Search Results

  1. Helen H

    SRSLY low carb Croissants

    I used to order from SRSLY but after numerous delivery issues and being let down by them on more than one ocassion I have switched to Heylo. I really rate their bread, pizza bases and their bagels, however they don’t do croissants!!!
  2. Helen H

    Blood Results - good and bad

    9 hi Sarah Yes, I lost 2 and half stone, initially on a keto diet (less than 20g carbs/day). i now have a few more carbs/day but no more than 50g. I don’t eat any potato’s, pasta, rice and the bread I eat is a low carb/keto bread. When I was diagnosed I was 11st (I am 5ft 6) so was a bit...
  3. Helen H

    Blood Results - good and bad

    I didn’t intentionally fast, last ate about 8pm the evening before and had coffee with splash of milk at 8am on the morning (blood drawn at 10am). Starting to understand cholesterol levels and what affects it a bit more (stress, underactive thyroid, insulin resistance and only a little bit of...
  4. Helen H

    Blood Results - good and bad

    Unfortunately there are no separate values for triglycerides or LDL, they are all just lumped together in the “Non HDL Cholesterol figure. i am not aware of a history of Familial hypercholesterolemia in the family although my brother had a heart attack at age 58 and was told his cholesterol...
  5. Helen H

    Blood Results - good and bad

    Hi @lovinglife thanks for your reply and I am already having a good nose about. The breakdown is total serum = 8.7 HDL - 2.6 Non HDL - 6..1 Cholesterol/HDL Ratio - 3.4 On the test results it also state “consider referring to “ WM familial hypercholesterolaemia service “
  6. Helen H

    Blood Results - good and bad

    I have just had my first blood test results back a year after finding out I was prediabetic. The good news is that my HbA1c is down to 37 (42 last November), despite not being as good as I had been while on holiday in September, so I am pleased with that result. Thanks to all of you on this...
  7. Helen H

    Pre diabetes

    I really missed ”bread” so I now use bread from either or They are expensive but it does satisfy that ‘bread’ craving for me. There are other companies out there as well and...
  8. Helen H

    Low carb snack bars

    I have tried the Adonis ones and I like them and they don’t raise my BG, I also have the Eva Bold ones (contains Erythritol) and again no issues with BG. I avoid anything with Maltitol in it (and Xylitol as I have a dog and it is highly toxic to them and don’t want to take any chance).
  9. Helen H

    Wrongly diagnosed?

    I had one test - with a result of 42 - right at the start of pre-diabetic range. I found out by text message from surgery which asked me to enrol on a preventive programme. I will not get another HbA1C test until November which will be 1 year after my first one. I have taken the result as an...
  10. Helen H

    Not diagnosed yet but HPA1c levels r ridiculous

    you have come to the right place here - lots of great information from lots of people that have got their type 2 in remission through low carb diet. For what it is worth I got told I was pre-diabetic last November - admittedly my results were not as high as yours. I quickly found this forum...
  11. Helen H

    Prediabetes newly

    I was told I was pre-diabetic in November last year. After doing my own research I came across thus forum and it all made perfect sense to me to cut the carbs. I admit I went right in at the deep end and went keto - less than 20g carbs/day. I have lost 2 stone doing this without even trying...
  12. Helen H

    A rare mistake

    I did something similar a couple of weekends ago— Chinese takeaway of BBQ ribs in sauce and chips. Really enjoyed it but panicked when my BG went high for me, was reassured by the wise people on here. It is one meal - you learn from it, jump straight back on the wagon again. I have now...
  13. Helen H

    its been a minute !! but it can be done

    Wow, that is a fantastic result, well done on all your changes and your new results. I agree that this forum is amazing.
  14. Helen H

    Chinese takeaway blow-out -NOT good !

    It would be great to think that our metabolism can improve and maybe I will repeat the same meal in a years time for comparison . I am straight back onto the lchf/keto eating today and happy to report BG back into the 5’s. i will continue to monitor and maybe have a very occasional higher carb...
  15. Helen H

    Chinese takeaway blow-out -NOT good !

    I love the “radioactive” analogy - it is so true. I am hoping to ward off a type 2 diagnosis for as long as I can (although I think I will eventually end up there as I have hypothyroidism as well and have read that this also can lead to T2 as the thyroid hormones also play some part in blood...
  16. Helen H

    Chinese takeaway blow-out -NOT good !

    That is reassuring to know that sometimes non-diabetics can spike into double digits, I think I just panicked a little bit. You always talk such common sense, I think I need to be more like you
  17. Helen H

    Chinese takeaway blow-out -NOT good !

    Been over to the in-laws this evening to have a Chinese takeaway for Mother’s Day, father in-laws and my birthday. I have been on a keto diet since end of November last year when I found out I was pre-diabetic and have lost 2 stone and got my BMI to 22.5. Decided to have a bit of a blow-out...
  18. Helen H

    Odd symptoms - can anybody relate?

    I completely agree with @AndBreathe . As someone who has an underactive thyroid those symptoms you describe are very typical of an underactive thyroid. Don’t be fobbed off.
  19. Helen H

    pre-diabetes, fasting blood sugars.

    Hi @littlebrownbird - do you mean the Oviva online program? If yes, then I am on it - almost 3 months done so far. To be honest i thought they wouldn’t support my dietary choice of keto but they have. I have found a lot of the “lessons” to not be anything I didn’t know but I do have a...
  20. Helen H

    Just diagnosed via HbA1c test

    Just thought I would say that I am on the online NHS Healthier You Oviva program for pre-diabetes. When I was enrolled on it I had already decided (in fact already started) a keto diet and I will hopefully move off keto onto a low carb diet . I thought they wouldn’t support a keto diet (they...