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  1. R

    Prediabetes - advice

    Just wanted to give a little update on where things are since December :) I've now been clinically diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic ; I've attended my foot clinic appointment and all was well - had a little protein in my urine but the Nurse wasn't too concerned and no ketones. Attended my eye...
  2. R

    Prediabetes - advice

    Just thought I’d post an update as I’ve had more blood work done. My thyroid is functioning okay which is a reassurance and my T and SBHG is on the low side. But I’m literally on the borderline of being diagnosed diabetic so I’m as prediabetic as they come apparently. Haemoglobin DCCT 6.5%...
  3. R

    Prediabetes - advice

    Hey everyone, First post on here so hope everyone is good! I'm having a bit of a tough time with it lately so appreciate any support. I've been suffering from Low Testosterone and had a Varicocele which was embolised a few months ago. My T levels still remain on the lower side (8.3nmol/l last...