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  1. A

    Insulin requirements after pregnancy/constant low sugars!

    Hi all I had my little boy last week at 37 weeks via planned C-section. Long story short they were concerned about his size (born at 8lb 9 so very big!) and the fact I was having lots of hypos/needed less insulin. I am now struggling massively with constant low blood sugars. Have dropped by...
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    Hba1c 6.9% and wanting to conceive

    Hi Charlie, Thanks for your message. I just saw your post too :) My libre app is now predicting my hba1c at 6.8 and I have a hospital appointment on Monday so I'm hoping that will be positive! I think they'd told me to aim for 6.5 originally but last time mentioned 6.7. Its so frustrating...
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    Hba1c 6.9% and wanting to conceive

    Hi all, I was hoping for some thoughts/advice. I'm 31 and have had T1D for 22 years. My current hba1c is 6.9%, which is probably the best it's ever been. It's taken such a long time and a lot of effort to get it to this level and I'm really struggling to get it any lower! I have been attending...