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  1. D

    Back again and eternal vigilance

    I joined years ago 2016 and got my bloods down to normal with diet with help from this site . Everything went well until summer this year when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It had grown in 6 months from nothing (I had a clear mammogram 6 month earlier ) .As part of the diagnostic process...
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    Spouse in denial

    I was diagnosed in 2016 and could not believe as I was symptomless. I was offered medication but decided to try diet after reading a lot from this site and listening to various U tube by Dr Fung and others . I have a scientific bent and I found it helpful to monitor blood sugar with finger...
  3. D

    Eyes always red and sugar in pee.

    If you want to be sure that you have sugar in your urine you probably need a dipstick test which you can order on line but my layman’s understanding is that you cannot see sugar in urine and need to test for it. Sore eyes could be dry eyes or conjunctivitis. I think there can be a problem that...
  4. D

    Type 2 New to T2D - Help Needed Please

    As you have a meter you can see what disagrees with you by pushing up your blood sugars , take a reading , just before you eat and about 90 mins after the first bite. If your blood sugar increases substantially then you know not to eat that food in future. Also if you go low carb , or are...
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    Type 2 Haven't got a clue!

    I know we are all different but I found that before I went low carb that I was hungry all the time , now I am I find I do not need to snack as low carb suits me . What you could try is moderately low carb and see if it works to reduce your blood sugar . As others have said need to have some...
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    Livlife bread

    Yes Waitrose seems to have some but the supply is erratic
  7. D

    Help please.....

    As you have had a heart attack you may be on statins which can increase blood sugar , I am not suggesting you stop statins just that they can increase blood sugars so making so making it more difficult to reduce your blood sugars. We are all different but I changed my eating habits so that I...
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    Type 2 General Question...(i think)

    Just think if you take the bull by the horns and try low carb with monitoring you blood sugars to see what foods impact your sugar level , you could then go back in a year and tell the doctor that by doing low carb you are now in control in of you body. I know that low carb is not for...
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    Strategy against Virus

    While I know we are all different, but it is possible to can lose weight on low carb without counting calories. Some people go ultra low ie below 30 but I was about 60 gms and I lost 4 stone without counting one calorie but I did need to ensure I drank a bit more water/ fluids than I used to...
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    Feeling cold at perfect sugars

    I had the same issue but it was knees which I could not get warm , eventually it sorted itself out but a bit distracting while it lasted .
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    Personally I do not like smoked but it must be your choice as we are all different. If you are worried about the nitrites in bacon there is naked bacon which is a bit more expensive but avoids the nitrites. It tastes OK as well .
  12. D

    Accu-Chek reliability

    Are the strips from a tub which had been open for a few days . I have accuchek and I had problem with some strips from a 50 strip tub , ok for the first couple of days then went rogue when tub had been opened for some days of days. I knew it was the strips as I got a new tub of 10 strips and...
  13. D

    Injury crisis, worried! :(

    Just a thought , If you are near a swimming pool see if they have aquafit classes , no swimming involved and no deep water, so should be ok for a non swimmer. Only disadvantage if you are male you may be heavily outnumbered by women of a certain age , although they are not too frightening ...
  14. D

    Today R4 program- depressing

    Maybe people should not carp as at least they are looking at different options and by it very nature 800 calories has to be reasonably low carb each drink is about 20 carbs ( per internet) so that is 60 carbs a day . What I thought was so disappointing was that this is now a mandated NHS...
  15. D


    Well the amount of effort to peel and de pip a pomelo uses up quite a lot of calories and patience and requires a sharp knife . Personally I find a couple of slices enough, and I know we are all different but I find the ones shipped to the UK rather dry and they really they are best eaten in...
  16. D

    Still having trouble sleeping

    I wonder if you are going to bed a bit early , I found when I got up at 5.30 for work I did not need to go to bed until 10.30 or even 11 o’clock. Also I found a hot bath but not a shower would relax me before bed and a boring book ( ie not a thriller ) helped . The important thing I found was...
  17. D

    Exercise and how to start

    I agree with the others that I would have thought the sprain should have resolved by now,although NHS site does say it can take months for a severe sprain to heal. Nevertheless I would think that well worth getting a doctor or physio to look at it. As regards exercise none weight bearing...
  18. D

    Chronic pain and raised blood sugars

    As others have said , if you are very low carb and it is not working then may be time to consider meds . One thought is that Diet Coke although nil carbs is thought to trigger an insulin response and insulin can produce an increase in weight . Could you for a couple of weeks try the rum with...
  19. D

    Type 2 Lost Job due to Restrictions imposed due to Diabetes 'Unfair'?....

    I am not a lawyer so these are just my thoughts. I cannot see how diabetes can make a difference to security and what could be the security concerns . If Mrs May as a type one Diabetic could be PM and that would have involved the highest security, a type 2 who is on tablets I would think...
  20. D

    Problems after going out evening

    If you were just drinking water as others have said you could have overdone the water and upset your electrolytes. Although does have sugar in it it a glass of diorolyte or similar may help . You said you do not check bloods often so are your strips out of date or from a tub which has been...