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  1. Leolady19

    Honeymoon period ending!

    Hi I am lada too I take levimer twice aday and fiasp is my fast acting. Only thing i would say you have to be quite good at counting your carbs. Sometimes I don't get it right it crashes me down really fast when I am out walking the dog. But I usual have plenty of snacks in pocket to take never...
  2. Leolady19

    I port advance

    Thank you. Do u have success with them ? I've only got one arm an that's got libre 2 on I use my tummy not got much fat on me my leg are quite thin. Thank again for getting back to me. Where do you put your if u don't mind me asking.
  3. Leolady19

    I port advance

    Just been give a I port advance to try out. was fine first 3 days when nurse put first one on. But since doing my own not sure they are working properly.the last one I took off i could stop it bleed it left a nasty bruise. I am not convinced they do work properly blood all over the place. Has...
  4. Leolady19

    T1.5 LADA, no control?

    Hi Billy That's great if u can get on the course. There's is over a year waiting list in my health board. So they are doing a mickey mouse 2 morning course on carb counting that's it. I struggle with the morning and evening through the day when I am active it's not bad. Try to have a carb free...
  5. Leolady19

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    I am new to all this what is a H test my HBa1c was 53 when i saw consultant last week.
  6. Leolady19

    Once a week insulin

    Hi to all Has anybody hear about this once a week insulin. Went today for my 6 month check up with my consultant. He mention that there might be a new insulin coming out that you can take one a week he did say much about it. All he said was not to get to excited. It could take 18 month before...
  7. Leolady19

    Type 2 Need some alternative recommendations for sugary cravings please

    I have a small square of dark choc and a few nuts 85% cocoa
  8. Leolady19

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)

    Mine is usually high in the mornings 7.8 as soon as I get out of bed after breakfast it can go up to 15 16. Had 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and my fiasp an it's all ready on the up 12.5 so far. I can not get it right in the morning no matter what I do all my DSN says you doing well.
  9. Leolady19

    What are the main things to eat to lower my HbA1c blood sugar levels?

    Hi the waiting list where I am in wales is over a year to get on the Dafne course. There is a 2 day mini one an I have been wait 3 months already. But as I don't have a good computer I can even do that via zoom and the face to face no vacancy at present
  10. Leolady19

    New to insulin type 2 diabetes

    Ive not long been on insulin since Nov 23. I notified DVLA i had my licence back but have to re new every 3 years you won't lose it. But you can't drive if your bloods are low than you have to regular check it.
  11. Leolady19

    Counting carbs

    I total agree but when u r slim and you don't have a lot of fat you will loss muscle but I do it to keep blood sugar down but in morning it don't work rest of day it works. But my nurse dietician keep telling me I need more carbs 30g to 50g which is silly more insulin injections then
  12. Leolady19

    Libre 2 has some strange errors

    Same, i have had to faulty one in the last month too. One kept looking signal and my phone was right next to it. The other unavailable to scan all the time. But GP only gives me 2 a month ☹️ back to pricking my finger for 3 weeks
  13. Leolady19

    how long before a meal do you bolus

    I wad told straight away with the meal in 2mins
  14. Leolady19

    Help massive weight gain with fiasp and tresiba doctors are saying it’s normal in three months

    I am very similar I have just start fiasp and I think it's doing the reserve it put my blood sugar higher, i think it take over 2hrs to get it down then it just keeps going down plus I have a slow acting levimir as well.
  15. Leolady19

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)

    Mine is alway high in the morning 8 and 10.6 this morning before breakfast after breakfast it can range between 11 and 15 then I shout down to a low after about 2hrs with levemir and fiasp, take at breakfast.
  16. Leolady19

    Lada 1.5 / Coeliac Disease

    Thank you tony for your reply. I am the smallCoeliac does both either. It the diabetes I am struggling to get my head round but it will come in time I suppose. Kind regards Babs
  17. Leolady19

    Lada 1.5 / Coeliac Disease

    Hi Tony thanks for yr reply. Yes all supermarket stock to much sweet stuff. My blood like a yo yo at the moment it's all new to me. I have been coeliac since 2013 and it was keeping my sugar down. Went diabetic 2018 with a lada. we have lots of Coeliac in our family high genetic. I was on...
  18. Leolady19

    Lada 1.5 / Coeliac Disease

    How do u cope with the amounting of sugar in gf products. Just started on insulin my blood are like a yo yo. Any advice dreading Christmas day.
  19. Leolady19

    LADA and Coeliac Disease

    Hello everyone. New to the site. I've just been put on insulin as a Lada. Struggling a bit! I'd like to know if there are any ladas out there who are also coeliac? Thank you
  20. Leolady19

    Lada 1.5 / Coeliac Disease

    New to this sight. Just gone on Insulin anybody out there like me