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    I bought some Benecol and some of Tesco's cholesterol reducing yoghurt drinks because my cholesterol is borderline high.. My doctor didn't want to try statins yet because I'm on a lot of other medication for various conditions. I agreed and I thought I'll give Benecol/yoghurt drinks a go as it...
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    Morning food

    Does anyone have suggestions of what is good to eat upon waking? I don't mean breakfast - I tend to have that 1-2 hours after waking up - but more a little something to level me out before I get up. All I can think of is cereal but that feels too sugary (as I don't want it to affect my pre...
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    Is this normal?

    I only have background/stage 1 retinopathy in one eye at the moment and I know that it's not meant to affect vision etc at this stage but I keep noticing the affected eye is quite red/bloodshot. To be fair it's my worse eye vision wise anyway, I had an operation on it in childhood, but since...
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    I'm struggling with research because of brain fog from other conditions, but I was just wondering if anyone could simply explain how diabetes and anaemia interact? Thanks in advance
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    Thanks for the reply lovely, I'm glad you found something that works better for you!
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    Is anyone else on immunosuppressants for other health issues? How does it affect your sugar levels? I started Methotrexate at the beginning of the year and all things diabetes have been getting worse very gradually and I'm starting to wonder if the two things are linked..
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    Freestyle libre 2 trial query

    I got a free trial freestyle libre 2 sensor to try and followed all the instructions, my partner applied it for me but after 20 minutes I realised I was bleeding and it came off. I've never used a CGM but like I said I followed the instructions - did it just unstick because I bled? How can I...
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    Can anyone help me make sense of this?!

    You must have read my mind, I literally just signed up for the free trial! The potential spikes and dips was a question I did manage to ask yesterday, if there was a possibility, and the nurse I saw just said no flat out. I'm going to see what the free trial shows, obviously if that is the case...
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    Can anyone help me make sense of this?!

    Thank you for your thoughts lovely. I've never even done finger pricks, because I was told I don't need to yet at diagnosis. Sorry I wasn't very clear, I had the pernicious anaemia/hypothyroidism before diabetes joined in so I've been on B12 injections for years (because I can't absorb it in my...
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    Can anyone help me make sense of this?!

    I would really appreciate some insight if anyone can help me. I saw diabetic nurse today and I am so frustrated with how it went.. For background information: diagnosed in 2017, no one's clarified type (have been told genetic, autoimmune, someone said 1.5 at one point.. I never pursued it...
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    Screen time

    Bit of a random one but does too much screen time make retinopathy worse? (Only have background retinopathy at this point but trying to do what I can to avoid it developing)
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    CGMs on the NHS

    Thank you to all who have responded here, I really appreciate the suggestions. Honestly I don't know what type I am apart from not type 1, because when I was first diagnosed they said a lot about it being genetic and probably autoimmune because I have a load of other autoimmune issues, I saw an...
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    CGMs on the NHS

    I've never been told to test my levels at home before and my HbA1c check was decreased to annually as I was no longer in diabetic range. In the past year I have developed mild peripheral neuropathy and background diabetic retinopathy. While I understand they're not severe right now, I want to...
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    Background retinopathy

    Thanks for sharing lovely. I hope I will be the same.. it's very scary
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    Background retinopathy

    Thanks, that is helpful and reassuring. My HbA1c tests were decreased to only being annual because the numbers were good, so I'm just wondering if there might be a lot of fluctuation in levels that I'm not seeing because I don't test myself at home. Do I need to ask my doctor if I need to start...
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    Background retinopathy

    I just got my results letter from my recent eye screening appointment and for the first time it's come back with background retinopathy in one eye.. How worried should I be? I was diagnosed in 2017, have kept my numbers in normal range from relatively soon after that using Metformin and...
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    Peripheral neuropathy query

    I'm so sorry to hear you have it so badly! I have an annual review next month so I'm going to talk about this again then I've decided.
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    Peripheral neuropathy query

    Thanks very much for your reply I've had a look into gout and although some of it fits, I don't have swelling or any redness, or anything obvious really from looking at my foot. I also wouldn't be able to take naproxen unfortunately because of interactions with meds for other conditions. My...
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    Peripheral neuropathy query

    Hi, wondering if anyone can help me.. I am in my mid 30s, diagnosed 6 years ago (possible LADA, but being treated as type 2, with Metformin) and have recently been having some issues that sound like peripheral neuropathy, more specifically sensory neuropathy. My diabetes is under control (HbA1c...
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    Carbs + Sugar Confusion

    Thank you again to those who have replied, it's been very informative and encouraging :happy: