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  1. Laconic

    HB1AC 48

    Hi I’m currently on no diabetic medication
  2. Laconic

    HB1AC 48

    Does a HB1AC of 48 require metformin, I’ve been good the last 3 months following keto, with a few cheat days I’m now going carnivore hopefully will push me into pre diabetic range but I’ve got to see the diabetic nurse and we always argue if I should be on medication or not there will be...
  3. Laconic

    Carnivore diet

    I’m also almost carnivore I have bacon and eggs in morning and chicken and broccoli in the evening. On this weeks food shopping I’m going to ditch the broccoli and buy more chicken see how it goes
  4. Laconic

    Carnivore diet

    Is anyone following a carnivore diet and how are you finding it for blood sugar control are there any side effects like constipation?
  5. Laconic

    Coke Zero

    It states 0g Carbohydrates on the side so can you drink as much as you want on Keto.
  6. Laconic

    Need help to get back on track

    Hi all been some time since I last posted had my last HB1AC in April was 45 Doctor said it was satisfactory but wanted it back in normal range. Since I’ve split up with my partner and can’t stop drinking alcohol mainly beer and eating the wrong foods, mainly a sugar rush. I’m guessing I would be...
  7. Laconic

    Non Alcoholic beer

    Does it contain fewer carbs, I’ve heard Guiness 0% contains no carbs. Which type has the least amount of sugar. Does anyone consume no alcohol beer as a weekend treat and did it affect HB1AC?
  8. Laconic

    Latest HB1AC

    I’m confused it’s 41 and nurse said satisfactory according to print out 20-41 is normal range, however I thought normal range was below 40 isn’t this pre diabetic range
  9. Laconic


    Yes I have a meter I got a craving after a bottle of whiskey and brought a packet I noticed a rise after so I’ve given them away now only had about 4
  10. Laconic


    How does it affect blood sugar, will it cause a spike?
  11. Laconic


    Hi all Since my last HB1AC which was 48, I’ve made a change and stopped drinking beer instead I have Whiskey now neat with no mixer since it’s carb free I’m hoping it will push me back into normal range again, I’m having two bottles a week is this too much on keto though?
  12. Laconic

    Out of date test strips over or under read

    Hi all just parted with £20 to buy some new strips results not much difference the old strips were over reading by 0.1 mmol But least I can be certain now
  13. Laconic

    Out of date test strips over or under read

    Hi all As the title suggests, I would like to do some testing mainly 2 hours after meals, found my accu chek performa nano and test strips expired June 2020 . I’m guessing there not safe to use, but if I did would they over or under read would I have to add or subtract a figure to get an...
  14. Laconic


    How many a day to feel full, I’m going to start with one in the morning after my egg and bacon. Can you eat as many as you like the same as eggs on keto
  15. Laconic

    Latest HB1AC

    48 I admit that I’ve been drinking a lot of beer in the evening lately followed by eating many carbs I’ve got to see my doctor in 4 weeks to discuss the way forward. I don’t really want to go back on Metformin, I see this as a minor blip I’m determined to get back into normal range within 3 months
  16. Laconic

    Free eye test

    Hi all My eye test is due at specsavers and it’s free for diabetics, just wondering if I’m still classed as diabetic I’m on no longer on medication. But still have been sent for Glucoma eye screening this year and still have my HB1AC checked annually. I asked receptionist at my doctors and she...
  17. Laconic


    Bad for everyone not just us diabetics
  18. Laconic

    Bacon smoked or Unsmoked

    Does it make any difference on Keto I’ve always brought unsmoked
  19. Laconic

    Chronic Kidney Disease

    Hi all this is my wife’s last kidney function test could someone explain this to me and whether her results are good or bad
  20. Laconic

    Chronic Kidney Disease

    Her kidneys are working at 50% now, she’s currently having dialysis every other day and has been advised it may take 5 to 6 months for her to get better. Just wondering when the dialysis can be reduced, as she’s in a country where healthcare isn’t free, and her treatment is being funded by me...