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  1. lotuslight

    Toe nail hanging off

    I have knocked my second toe nail off it’s hanging on at the corner. It’s bled quite a lot. It’s not gushing but still trickling a bit. I can’t cover it as the nail sticks into the wound and I can’t put any antiseptic on it as it’s still bleeding a bit Anyone recommend best course of action...
  2. lotuslight

    Type 2 and Loneliness

    Yes and I feel a stigma too, sometimes if you tell people they start with the unwanted diet advice! Drives me mad! Here if you ever want to vent :)
  3. lotuslight

    Drug interactions how to check?

    [emoji112] hello, I am on a lot of meds similar to most of you i imagine. I recently got new meds , and a lot of online medical interaction checkers dont recognise some and when you have around 5 meds take already how on Earth can I check? Chemists seem reluctant to check too. Just wondering if...
  4. lotuslight

    Type 2 Better blood sugar

    Thank you for your reply , I am having my HBA1C retested in 3 months so fingers crossed. I think I will book a doc appointment and discuss this further whether morning reads are reliable enough or not Thanks
  5. lotuslight

    Type 2 Better blood sugar

    @lovinglife - I test in a morning daily. I was very lacking in energy struggling to walk up hills etc before Jardiance. That was main symptom just feeling ropey. I found previously giving up sweet stuff better as I can’t stop but on this I’m finding sweet treats but still sensible like low...
  6. lotuslight

    Type 2 Better blood sugar

    PS the alternative would have been insulin [emoji22]
  7. lotuslight

    Type 2 Better blood sugar

    @Pipp thank you for your reply. My HBA1C went up to over 100 despite me loosing 3 stone in weight. I tried everything naturally nothing worked. Personal trainers, I gave up fruit completely. Thrush is an issue but was before anyway and doc is giving treatments for that. Having a fruit smoothie...
  8. lotuslight

    Type 2 Better blood sugar

    Hi I am taking Jardiance and finally getting readings around 7 , sometimes slightly higher but not much. Iv realised if I have fewer carbs I can enjoy an odd ice cream or sweet thing. Even fruit and my readings are still low in the mornings Is this ok though do you think?Feels wrong but I guess...
  9. lotuslight

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Morning, well I never , finally a reading of 7.5! Since I only started testing when my HbA1c was over 100 , Iv never got down to this in a morning. Started Jardiance and finally , after a year of trying to do it myself. Happy me ,wishing you all a lovely Sunday :)
  10. lotuslight

    empagliflozin false hypos

    Thank you for your reply and help, I hope so the headaches are awful [emoji20]
  11. lotuslight

    empagliflozin false hypos

    Hi feeling a little down today, I finally got to 7 the other day (blood read) and I had a fake hypo , ate sensible lunch no sugar as understood why. Then had the worst headache /migraine for 7 hours! I’m drinking loads of water. I often get them with fake hypos as a warning sign I just don’t...
  12. lotuslight

    Type 2s: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning? (very low chat level)

    9 and half but this is good comparison to what I was new meds. If you are below 7 don’t you panic? What’s lowest before you get concerned pls?
  13. lotuslight

    What am I aiming for

    Hello Iv been high so long I don’t know what number I’m actually aiming for! Is it 7? [emoji120] thank you
  14. lotuslight


    Hi I am now taking Jardiance and amazed how quickly it’s lower my sugars. I was having a morning read of 15 after just 3 days it’s 9 My question is how do I avoid going too low as this had been very quick?
  15. lotuslight

    Type 2 Jardiance and driving

    Thanks I thought it would’ve too but it says on packet don’t drive if it makes you drowsy. Hope il be ok on them thanks again
  16. lotuslight

    Type 2 Jardiance and driving

    Hello I am type 2 - I take metformin & saxoglyptin and now I have been put on empagliflozin (Jardiance ) I believe. Question is do I need to test sugars when driving - I am not in insulin. Thank you [emoji120]
  17. lotuslight

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

    Creativity definitely helps with the diabetes blues & taking mind off them, keep painting :)
  18. lotuslight

    Testing meter not working could it be cold weather?

    Thank you I did and I am back to my usual levels. It read 1.9 this morning but I doubt I’d have got out of bed! Now 12 which I know is high but working on that
  19. lotuslight

    Testing meter not working could it be cold weather?

    Hi my Care Sens Duo has been playing up. I put new batteries in other day and it’s only giving me occasional reads and sometimes error messages. It is since it got colder , our flat is cold we don’t have heating on yet. Do you think it could be that. It gave me a scary reading today but must...
  20. lotuslight

    Jardiance hypos

    Hi just wondered if anyone has had hypos on these meds pls? Considering them at the moment.