Search Results

  1. mouseee

    Gastric reflux question

    Going low carb stopped me needing omeprazole. I have some which I take very occasionally when I have something spicy. High carb rich food and spicy food trigger me. No idea why, just happy it works!
  2. mouseee

    No added sugar squash

    You can also cold brew these. Put the teabag in a jug of water, in the fridge and leave it. Also, cucumber water. Slices of cucumber and mint in a jug in the fridge.
  3. mouseee

    Not going barefoot

    I've had at least 5 check ups on feet, admittedly just at GP and no one has ever commented on footwear. If your feet are healthy let them breathe! I have found fitflop flipflops having never wanted to wear any kind of flip flop anf they are amazing, comfy supportive etc. I suppose cheap ones...
  4. mouseee

    Hello All

    I used to bag up things each month to cook in the slow cooker. This was pre diabetes though and haven't made some of these for ages! I'd buy a big joint of meat add stock/sauce and veg then freeze the bags. When I wanted to cook one you just bung the whole bag in the slow cooker in the morning...
  5. mouseee

    Mounjaro type 2 and weightlioss

    I've now completed one month on Mounjaro after the Trulicity dried up. I have definitely lost weight on trulicity, and I seem to be losing more with starting the new jab. Not so much weight but definitely inches. I make a lot of my clothes and last year made several dresses and tops. Because i...
  6. mouseee


    That is a high number! Glad they're looking at the type you have. You can get that down significantly and quite quickly with low carb if it's T2. If T1 you'll obviously have different meds to help with this. Jo's nutritional thingy is a brilliant place to start.
  7. mouseee


    Diagnosed at 101 no insulin mentioned. I asked if I would ever likely need it and was told possibly in my 80s. I'm in my 50s now. There are lots of other meds and with 68 you are very likely able to get hba1c into pre diabetic or below with low carb eating with the meds that are likely to be...
  8. mouseee


    I had Trulicity until it was out of stock. I now have Mounjaro. I did have nausea with Trulicity and I'm still working out it I have side effects from mounjaro. I've only taken two does so far. The side effects wore off with trulicity after a few months and they weren't too bad. Definitely...
  9. mouseee

    Aching legs and nausea- T2 link?

    That's worth considering! Thanks.
  10. mouseee

    Aching legs and nausea- T2 link?

    I know it's easy to blame all ills on diabetes but I'm wondering if today's 'fun' could be linked. I couldn't settle to sleep due to feeling really sick and uncomfortable stomach. Woke up several times feeling very close to being sick. Felt awful. My legs were aching so badly I've ended up...
  11. mouseee


    Welcome! This is the best place to be for support as you navigate a new condition.
  12. mouseee

    Hbac1 82

    Sometimes life is exhausting! This is a good place for support. My first question is what your diet looks like.
  13. mouseee

    Ozempic availability

    My trulicity finally didn't show up this month. I've been expecting to be out of stock for ages. Luckily, the pharmacy are on it and contacted the DN who's arranged a new jab. Collecting tomorrow and we'll see where we go from there. Nearly two weeks without Trulicity and I can really tell the...
  14. mouseee


    I rattle with pills for three different conditions but I'm very grateful that a. I have them and my life is better for them. And b. I live in the UK where my T2 means I get then for free. I would like to avoid more though! I definitely think you need a full MOT to check out what's going on...
  15. mouseee


    That's also going to be a problem as lots of meds need food in the stomach and will be rough otherwise.
  16. mouseee


    I can't remember if you've said this somewhere but have you also had gastro investigations? With the amount of issues you have with food perhaps there is a gastro problem behind it. And 500 calories a day is going to be seriously bad for you. I know your choices of food are limited by what you...
  17. mouseee

    Seeming drunk

    I hope you contacted 111 as that kind of odd behaviour needs to be investigated. Could be a range of things besides diabetes related.
  18. mouseee

    Type 2 Does apple cider vinegar actually work for lowering blood sugar?

    I don't believe it would help at all. There are various threads on here where it's mentioned but I don't think there are many positive comments about it. I feel like if it worked, there'd be alot more people talking about it as an option. Certainly isnt going to work instantly if it does.
  19. mouseee

    Newly diagnosed diabetic 54yrs ild

    How are you doing avoiding all the other carbs??? Remember, carbs all turn to glucose. But I'm with you on sweet things! Some people find the craving goes, I still have lots of times when I want something sweet.
  20. mouseee

    Type 2 Need some alternative recommendations for sugary cravings please

    I have chopped up an Aldi dark chocolate bar which aren't too bad in carbs and mixed it with a big dollop of greek yogurt. When you've finished eating you feel more full but you've had some chocolate.