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  1. P

    Tresiba 100

    I take my Tresiba in the morning when I wake up. There are no distractions for me at that time of day, so it is never forgotten. Taking it at bedtime could be much easier to forget, especially after a visit to the pub!
  2. P

    Basal double injecting?

    Hi there. I've been T1d for many years now, and use basal penfill cartridges. When I get toward the end of a cartridge there are always a few units left short of a full dose which I discard. But sometimes this could be almost the same amount as a full dose, so disposal feels rather wasteful...
  3. P

    Retired police officer disappointed after being denied FreeStyle Libre

    Shropshire CCG have just told me they wont be funding the Libre sensors either. Not easy when on a pension, but its so valuable for my control that I'll just have to carry on stumping up myself !
  4. P

    Freestyle libre sensor

    Hi, I've been using a Libre for about 4 months now, and its been a real revelation with info on trends particularly. Because of it I've changed my basal insulin to one with a longer action, and adjusted my carb : insulin ratios, so my control is much better. I've never had a sensor cause...
  5. P

    Timesulin & Insulcheck Pen Timers

    Hi folks, I bought a timesulin cap last year, and am currently on my third or fourth free replacement. They just seem to be too unreliable to last more than three or four months before they pack up? The company asked if I had used one in a frio wallet, 'cos apparently this can cause internal...