Search Results

  1. rdw480

    Nd - 4 Weeks Complete

    Started out exclusively shakes / bars to make it simpler to get into. I've got an early start for work so shakes are handy for the car but in the evenings I've been branching out into real food a bit at a time. I think that the longer I stick with it the more towards real food I'll go which...
  2. rdw480

    Nd - 4 Weeks Complete

    Well today I've hit halfway on my initial planned 8weeks of ND. I'm now planning to carry on with it a bit longer but it seemed a good time to reflect. I've not been monitoring my BG but apart from a rough first week (tired, sweats a couple of dizzy spells) they feel much better. I've got a...
  3. rdw480

    Nd - 24 Hours Off - How Bad An Idea?

    Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm currently staying low carb as well a following the ND calorie limits and hope to carry on after ND with low carb.
  4. rdw480

    Nd - 24 Hours Off - How Bad An Idea?

    I'm currently just finishing week 3 and realistically will probably stay on the ND for 12 or 13 weeks. At the start I thought I'd do 8 weeks and then move to low carb, but realistically I'll need at least another month or so to hit a BMI of less than 25. My concern is that after week 8, I've...