Search Results

  1. PaleoWithMrsP

    Low Carb Pizza!

    I thought I would share my latest recipe with you all for a low carb pesto pizza as it only has 17g carbs for the whole pizza, with about 8 medium slices = 2.12g carbs per slice. It also only takes 15 minutes to make. I know how hard it is when it comes to takeaways and wanting to eat things...
  2. PaleoWithMrsP

    Pregnancy Updates

    Hi guys I just wanted to share my latest pregnancy update with you all, in case any one wanted to see or if it was helpful in any way. I'm now 24 weeks pregnant and had the pretty intense heart scan this week. It went really well despite my anxieties and the baby is pretty much on target at 24...
  3. PaleoWithMrsP

    T1D, Pregnant and Hyperemesis Gravidarum

    Hello, My name's Emma and I have had Type One Diabetes for 11 yrs, I wear an Omnipod and have done for 5 yrs. I am 23 weeks pregnant and for the first 13 weeks suffered from something called Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is acute morning, noon and night sickness up to 40 times a day. I wasn't...