Search Results

  1. G

    quick question on insulin vs carbs

    Hello :) Im trying out the Keto diet thing. Basically cutting back on carbs to take less insulin so I can manage my blood levels better. Problem is im struggling at breakfast. For my breakfast I either have 2 slices of toast with a bit of nutella (Works out at 45g altogher) so I would take 5...
  2. G

    Living in the stone ages....

    Hello, I was wondering if someone might be able to give me some advice. Ive been diabetic for almost 18 years now. Diagnosed when I was 11. Ill be 30 latest this year. I have been prick testing my blood and injecting myself 4 times a day for what feels like forever. When I would go to my...
  3. G

    Reactions to Levemir

    Hi all, first post! I've recently come out in a really bad rash all over my body and my doctors can't work out what it is. Blood tests have all come back negative for regular allergies and conditions, and I've altered my diet several times with no progress. I was on a course of steroids which...