Search Results

  1. Tonk

    ADHD and Diabetes

    So anyone else in that wonderful position of having Type 1 and ADHD? Like "Hey, have this one condition with means you need to play close attention to things and be patient and monitor what's going on. But, also have this other one that means that'l' be a struggle for you!" :P Wondering if...
  2. Tonk

    A tale of two cities... and CCGs

    Hello everyone. I'll try to keep this brief but no doubt will fail. I grew up on the south coast and was diagnosed at Hospital A. I had my care there for about 6 years before I took the plunge and moved to London for Drama School. My new GP up there was rather insistent that I moved my care up...
  3. Tonk

    Hello! Quite the tale to tell...

    Hello everyone o/ Been living with type one for almost 12 years now (since 16) and am at a point now where I feel I have learned a lot about growing up with Diabetes, and being diagnosed at an age where I can remember life without it, that hopefully I can do some good for the community! I...