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    Six natural remedies for lowering blood pressure fast

    High blood pressure is no longer just an affliction of the elderly, as more than one-third of young people between the ages of 16 and 34 are now said to suffer from some form of hypertension. And a recent study out of California revealed that, if left unchecked, this cardiovascular malady, even...
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    How eating a high fat diet can starve cancer

    What does it take to disabuse the majority of food consumers that a no or low fat diet is actually unhealthy. There have been conventional cardiologists who've recently asserted that we need healthy fats to maintain good cardiovascular health. They have debunked the myth of cholesterol as the...
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    How To Wean Yourself Off Processed Foods in 7 Steps

    Real Food Has Curves, a new book written by Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, offers a 7-step plan for weaning yourself off processed foods: Seek true satisfaction. Enjoy genuine flavors, rather than fat, sugar, and salt added to mask the metallic taste of chemical additives. Read labels...
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    Nine foods that lower blood pressure

    High blood pressure (BP) or hypertension is considered a high risk factor for heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Many have high BP, but most don't know as it doesn't usually have its own symptoms. Blood pressure readings are in two sets of numbers. The top number, systolic...
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    Breakfast for health!!

    According to me that breakfast has own significance in our life...Breakfast is no question a fundamental element of your daily diet program schedule as it quit you from over consuming.I don't miss my morning meal as it provides me with important nutrients....
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    what is your favorite, food ?

    Hi guys, I just want to ask you, what is your favorite, food ? Guys, i also really like many foods, but chicken is my favorite food, i love love chicken food... What about you guys ?
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    What is your favorite food in breakfast ?

    My favorite food is Schmoosli. Whats your ?
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    Healthy foods

    Do you think healthy foods are so important ?
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    Our healty

    How to live a healthy life ?