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    Newcastle diet journey

    Hi everyone just been reading all your posts about the ND diet. I have been type2 since 2009 and have steadily gained weight, especially when medications were changed about 18months ago. I read about the ND but decided it was toooo hard for me, I knew I would not keep it up - I think all of...
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    Dietician - Grrrrr!!!!

    Hi everyone just read all your posts about Dieticians and their "helpful" !!!!!! advice. I have experienced similar. I was told to eat 200grms of carbs with each meal. Being green behind the ears at the time I tried it - result - I put on weight wich did not help the diabetes! GP also...
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    A REAL Cure for Diabetes

    I have just read all the posts about this subject. I have type 2 and YES I am overweight and YES it is because I have not cared for my body over last 30yrs because I have a "sweet tooth", like wine, and have not done any excercise. I admit I am guilty of getting Type2. HOWEVER this is just...
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    Do you follow any kind of diet?

    I am Diabetes 2 diagnosed 2009. I have been following the "Fast Diet" or 5:2 diet as it is also known; since June and have lost just over 5kg. Before starting this way of eating my HbA1c was 8.1% and my blood sugar levels medium to high on a regular basis. I was taking Stagid 3xday...
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    5:2 diet

    Hi everyione - the Boissetarian online again several weeks since I last posted. To recap - I have had Diabetes2 since 2009; was taking various medication in tablet form. Sugar levels were medium to high. I came across the 5:2 diet also called The Fast Diet and started it in June. Told my GP...
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    Lucozade drink equivalent in France?

    gezzathorpe - what do you mean by "water seems to be the last soft drink that diabetics consider" Are you diabetic? If so you should know that it is necessary for people who are diabetic to drink at least a litre a day in order to keep the kidneys flushed . Especially if one has high blood...
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    Lucozade drink equivalent in France?

    Hi ellietj looked for lucozade equivalent - no luck - only sports type drinks like POWERADE, or RED BULL, but don't think they are the same; I asked in our local chemist but they did not know of anything, they are quite knowledgable so assume there is nothing out there. They suggested disolving...
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    First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

    Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy Hi Emmie & everyone I've had a weak bladder for about 30yrs - but as a result of a hysterectomy. I was not diabetic at that time. DIagnosed in 2009. I have at times little control and have been told I have urge incontinence. As a result...
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    Lucozade drink equivalent in France?

    Hi - I am English but live in France. Am going shopping tomorrow and will look and see what is available and let you know
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    Newcastle Diet

    Hi All I have started a new eating plan called the Fast Diet or 5:2 diet. 2 days a week on 500 calories and the other 5 days on normal eating. The 500cal days can be a bit hard, but have now got into the habit of not eating so much and counting calories - I try to keep to 1500 on non fast days...
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    Hi sevans 387 Was diagnosed type 2 in 2009 during routine blood test when I was in hospital following breast replacement. Did not believe it when nurse said I was diabetic, but it was just starting and sugar levels were low. Did not do anything about it until about a year later when another...
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    the 5:2 or "Fast Diet"

    Hi everyone - has anyone come across this diet? and has anyone tried it? If so I would be interested to hear how you got on. I am 71 and was diagnosed Type 2 in 2009. I take oral medication - metformin twice & glicalzide three times a day - but blood sugar levels seem to have generally...
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    First Time Posting / Back Injury

    just joined Forums and saw your post and all the replies. Also have back problems but not as severe as yours and others - slipped on water on tiled floor in 2007 and crushed 3 vertebrae - one in the lower back. Was sedentary for a long time and started to put on weight. DIagnosed diabetic2...