7th International Camp Diabetes Safari, Mexico


Diabetes Safari is an annual co-educational, not-for-profit international camp created to offer a safe and enjoyable context in which young persons 7 to 18 years of age who use insulin in the treatment of the hyperglycemia that may often accompany type 1 diabetes mellitus can learn lessons vital to their health and survival. Campers of every nationality are invited to attend.

Together with other young people and adult health care professionals who also have diabetes, each Camper has opportunities to apply new learning that he or she has gained about insulins, foods, physical activity, and recent therapeutic and technological advances in order to facilitate blood glucose control and to thus minimize or avoid the long-term complications of chronically high blood sugar levels.

In this bilingual (English/Spanish) gathering, professional Staff members teach Campers about the needs of persons with diabetes and answer their questions on any diabetes topic whatsoever. On-site medical supervision is integrated into all aspects of diabetologic education.

Full details (camp philosophy, planned activities, members of Staff, accomodations, menus, maps), as well as registration forms, are included, in English and Spanish, at www.diabetes-safari.com

DATES: 27 - 30 April 2011
PLACE: Centro Vacacional Oaxtepec, Yautepec, Morelos (75 minutes by nonstop bus from Mexico City)
COST: per person, €200 or $230 USD or $2700 Mexican pesos (all inclusive, except for transportation)
DETAILS via internet: www.diabetes-safari.com
TELEPHONE contacts: (01 55) 5510 9830 (from inside Mexico), (+52 55) 5510 9830 (from any other country) , (+34) 977 233 353 (from Europe)

For photos from previous Campamentos: www.diabetes-safari.com/diabetes-safari10FOTOS.htm

Campamento Diabetes Safari is also on YouTube and Facebook.


Lic. Rosa Elena Yañez
Certified Diabetes Educator
[email protected]
(+34) 977 213 353 (from Europe)

Dr. Stan De Loach
Certified Diabetes Educator
Associate Director
[email protected]
(01 55) 5510 9830 (from inside Mexico)