Acc Chek Aviva V Nexus Gluco RX (2 month trial)


Well-Known Member
Ok its been six weeks but Ive ran out of strips for the Accu Chek.
When I was told that my repeat prescription was getting changed the Nexus RX i did some research and I read that it gave false readings, well this is untrue in the six weeks I have tried it.
When I first opened it i liked the function and bright large display, after leaving them in the same hold all for 24 hours I did the first reading 6.6 nexus and 6.8 Accu chek, after that the readings were identical and only the odd time did I get 6.4 and 6.6 which could have been something i did.
So both meters were kept in the same place and I used nexus first then next reading the Accu chek first, it proved to me that the Accu Chek was a good meter and the replacement is just as good if not better.

So by making me change my Doctor's practice is saving £40 a month on test strips and supplied me with a meter that is far superior to the one I was using and I now prefer it.

BUT'' and this is a BIG BUT, the finger pricker is the worst I have used and for me it is downright dangerous, Im blind in one eye and have not so good sight in the other, I have stabbed myself at least four times and one was that deep it got infected' I know its only about 3mm but the whole thing in your finger hurts, these are to small for me to see and I'm am sticking with the multi clix system which cost me £6 a box.
So Im happy enough and I know when I go to the Doctors next time and explain the situation he will prescribe the multi clix finger prickers.
So that was my six week intensive review.