Airport Security & Medication


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How many of you have ever been pulled up in airport security for your diabetic kit?

I used to always declare it at the check-in desk, but to be honest I've never got stopped for it, so I don't even mention it now. I carry my pens on me but even when I've been searched, nobody's ever been bothered about it once I explain what it is. Seems a little strange to me seeing as there's so much focus on preventing terrorism using nail scissors and suchlike...

I also carry a (rather crumpled now) letter from my doctor authorising me to carry my stuff, but again I've never been asked for proof...


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Never been asked about it. I usually put my pens out in their Frio bags, but that's about it. I'm sure security staff have seen it all before.


Retired Moderator
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Not been asked to produce it but always carry a letter to say I have type 1 and need to carry diabetes supplies.


I've been asked once in a stop over in Hong Kong on my way to New Zealand, I had to get out and count or all of my kit... Including opening unopened boxes of needles and counting then all!!! I was going abroad for a year and had 6 months worth of stuff so it did look a bit excessive. Had to show my letter then. They were fine with that. :)


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No - but heard a Diabetic was asked the usual security question of -
Do you have any weapons guns/knives in your hand luggage ?

Yes - I have a Lancet Gun in my meter kit bag .

He was taken away for further questioning and security confiscated his
hand luggage and the meter kit too :wideyed: :eek:.
He missed his flight too - till all was better understood proven innocent and cleared by them .
Released and allowed to fly out on next available later flight .

A letter from his GP was included and packed for certain on his next holiday trip .
He had learnt a hard but valuable lesson the previous trip .


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No problems at all with my Diabadass kit , ever, but I did get my nail clippers confiscated prior to a Dublin flight ! Hijacking by threats to destroy a flight attendants manicure, perhaps ? :eek::D

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Only ever had one incident at stanstead with a new guy who didn't know better.

Occasionally they have asked that I put my pens and refills into a plastic bag but that is quite rare, usually they just nod and go sure.

I did have to stop a US Customs official from digging into my kit bag since I knew it had used needles and the ones they now have me on have a tendency to have the caps pop off. That took a little polite explaining that I would empty it for him in full view since I didn't want him to risk a needle stick. In the end he was actually pretty cool about it and thanked me for stopping him since 1 needle had in fact lost its cap.

Tell people in advance and make it seem like you are trying to help them out.

Of course if they try to take anything off you then time to dig heels in and fight.. at least that's my policy.


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Hate to say it but I love it. That bit where the lass at the checkin desk asks "have you any sharps?" YES! loads, to see her face drop as you pull out the huge bag full of everything for them. Never had any issues though with anyone. A few like to have a good nose through all the labels and such but all have always been great with me.

Funniest ever had to be Bulgaria though, returning home from skiing, had my needle bag burst over the case. Back then in the '90's they were using these ratty old green screen monitors. The bag goes through and with the needles everywhere it looked like static on the screen. Security guy just whacks the screen a couple of times and throws the bag on. Ahh airport security in the good ol' days :p
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
only a nordic princess would have a Diabadass kit :D

on another similar topic i did explain getting stopped at venice airport once and not allowed to check in until pilot gave permission -- i carry a letter now but rarely have to show it to security


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My only troublesome experience was on a virgin blue flight in Australia 15 years ago where I was informed the only way I was getting on the flight was if I gave my insulin kit to the flight attendants. After a lot of arguing I was given absolutely no choice and had to hand it over. Wasn't best pleased but in the end there were no issues. Used to carry all my penfills around in a steel thermos flask as it both protected the insulin and I could fill it with cold water to keep everything nice and cool. Can't get one of them through hand luggage and security so easily now.


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I was only flying around Europe since diagnosed but never had problems. I do carry my letter, but no one cared about my stuff so far. I mentioned it a few times and they didn't seem bothered so I stopped mentioning it at all.
The whole airport security thing is a joke - they let you carry a makeshift flame thrower (hair spray and lighter), so I really don't think some needles and insulin can be used to harm anyone. The needles are so tiny...
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