Am I really a diabetic?


This message must have been posted so many times by so many others but I suppose like many newly diagnosed diabetics I still can't get my head around it. I had a fasting blood sugar test last year which came out at about 6 to start then 11.8 2 hours later but try as I might since getting the monitoring kit and checking regularly I rarely get over 6 and most of the time I am around high 4s low 5s. My HbA1C in November was 5.6%. Ok so what I have done since diagnosis. Well first of all lost weight; I am now around 12stone 6 lbs. I now go to the gym 3/4 times a week. My blood pressure is 122/80 at the moment but varies around 130ish/80ish. I have cut out the meals between meals and the chocolate between chocolate. I still drink too much though regularly hitting the 28 unit mark. Was the 11.8 a fluke or did they get me confused with someone else or am I just in denial. Would appreciate advice.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Hi Paul and welcome to the forum.What does your doctor say about it? Maybe you were prediabetic and losing the weight has helped reduce the symptoms. However,that fact that you were diagnosed generally means that you are diabetic but you have it well under control.If you are careful with your weight and diet then you may stay as you are but with a tendency to develop full diabetes in the future if you again gain weight and do not watch your diet.


Thanks Sue

I have yet to see the doctor. I am just seeing the diabetic nurse who is really good and supportive. I have been under observation for 10 years since I had a suspected TIA and they thought I might have been glucose intolerant 3 years ago but that went away apparently. I suppose what I should do is accept it, move on and manage it. In many respects it was a health wake up call. Since diagnosis I have changed lifestyle considerably and feel much better for it. But I was curious to know whether the denial phase of the newly diagnosed is a common phenomenon.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Denial is very common!!in some it is very brief ,in others it can go on for ages until something happens that makes them realise that this is,in fact,happening.


Well-Known Member
It's far worse when it's the *doctors* who are in denial!

Sounds very much like you were caught early and have done the right things so far, keep on doing them and you may never cross the threshold into diagnosed diabetes.


Thanks Trinkwasser. I suppose the problem is now that I am diagnosed everybody who insures me for various things wants to put the price up. Tesco holiday insurance for instance. Can you get undiagnosed? there I am back in denial again.


Well-Known Member
Check out some different insurers, I've read (haven't used them personally) you may get a better deal from this site. A *controlled* diabetic like you seem to have become is probably a far better risk than a lot of "normals"