Back to the Drs this am


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
I've have had stomach pain since Friday night and I've just weighed myself and it's not good, I've lost 10lbs in a fortnight. I'm hoping it's the diabetes and nothing more sinister - keep your fingers crossed

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
I wish you well. Could be any number of things and yep, fingers crossed for you


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good luck. hope they can give you some helpful answers!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've have had stomach pain since Friday night and I've just weighed myself and it's not good, I've lost 10lbs in a fortnight. I'm hoping it's the diabetes and nothing more sinister - keep your fingers crossed
Hello,FNDodd,sending you big((((((( hug))))) and wishing you speedy return to good health,clive


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for your hugs and best wishes. Dr took an armful of blood for a battery of tests but was unconcerned that my fasting sugar was 10.1. I'm not on any treatment for this diabetes as they (Drs) are waiting for my Hba1c to get to 58 before I go insulin, I think it's probably there already and causing my weight loss and stomach pain. It turned out I've now lost 15lbs since the diabetes diagnosis at the end of October and I really don't want to lose weight as I've been battling to stabilise it since my op in 2013.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for your hugs and best wishes. Dr took an armful of blood for a battery of tests but was unconcerned that my fasting sugar was 10.1. I'm not on any treatment for this diabetes as they (Drs) are waiting for my Hba1c to get to 58 before I go insulin, I think it's probably there already and causing my weight loss and stomach pain. It turned out I've now lost 15lbs since the diabetes diagnosis at the end of October and I really don't want to lose weight as I've been battling to stabilise it since my op in 2013.
Oh, thats a worry,if you don't get the right treatment very soon , consider going to a and ein the meantime drink plenty of fluids and eat small but high protein high fat meals,some excellent ideas here on the what have you eaten today thread plus lchf recipes forum also,keep postingFNDodd,clive


Oh, thats a worry,if you don't get the right treatment very soon , consider going to a and ein the meantime drink plenty of fluids and eat small but high protein high fat meals,some excellent ideas here on the what have you eaten today thread plus lchf recipes forum also,keep postingFNDodd,clive
No offence @Clivethedrive but @FNDodd needs keeps those fats down for a while until you know what's happening!! If your Pancreatic function is deteriorating then you may not be able to cope with fats until things settle down, and thevfats will aggregate your pancreas if it struggling at the mo. If its any consolation going on insulin was the best thing for me, and once I'd got the bloods more stable the whole Pancreatic thing got easier - it was if my body was telling me 'its about time woman!! :D. Of course it may just be a glitch so I wish you well and please let us know how you are. Sue xxx
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
Well the Dr phoned Tuesday night and the good news is liver, kidney functions are OK. The bad news one of the tests was raised (didn't ask which one - just forgot to) and I've got to have repeat bloods next Thursday. Stomach pain has reduced in intensity but I'm still losing weight. I am eating but can't do LCHF but have reduced carbs as much as I can, probably to about 100gms a day. My blood sugar average is rising but the Dr didn't do a HbA1c as he doesn't seem concerned about the diabetes. I'm convinced the diabetes is causing the weight loss and I've now got itchy hands and feet ! But I am not jaundiced so that's one good thing. Thank you for all your replies and I'll let you know how I go on next week.
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Well that's a relief, but I'd be phoning back to find out the answer to the question that you didn't ask.

Good luck and thanks for the report.
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Well the Dr phoned Tuesday night and the good news is liver, kidney functions are OK. The bad news one of the tests was raised (didn't ask which one - just forgot to) and I've got to have repeat bloods next Thursday. Stomach pain has reduced in intensity but I'm still losing weight. I am eating but can't do LCHF but have reduced carbs as much as I can, probably to about 100gms a day. My blood sugar average is rising but the Dr didn't do a HbA1c as he doesn't seem concerned about the diabetes. I'm convinced the diabetes is causing the weight loss and I've now got itchy hands and feet ! But I am not jaundiced so that's one good thing. Thank you for all your replies and I'll let you know how I go on next week.
IF this is a pancreatic episode you Liver Function blood tests will be raised. I know I don't need to tell you but during the 'acute' time you need to treat your pancreas like a baby. Only eat small amounts at a time and only foods that are easily digestable. Cut right down on red meat and dairy and no fatty food because if your pancreas is inflammed then it can't cope with the work of trying to digest them. I know I don't need to tell you this but if the pain gets worse, or you become jaundice get help - either 999 or at least 111 for advice. Take care @FNDodd and look after yourself, Sue xxx
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How you doing @FNDodd ? Hope things are improving. Obviously you may not feel like posting if you're poorly but will keep an eye out for an update when you're up to it! Take care xx
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi folks, thanks for your concern. My pain has subsided and I'm feeling a lot better but my fasting blood sugar this morning was 10.2 ! I'm sure I need some treatment for this diabetes but GP doesn't seemed concerned about it. My weight has slowed down now measured in ounces per day instead of lbs. I'm trying to eat little and often but to be honest it's something that's alien to me and I'm struggling with it and finding things to eat that won't cause pain or worse. It doesn't help that I've never seen a dietician
Mrspuddleduck what snacks do you eat?
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Good to hear from you @FNDodd!! So pleased you are feeling abit better! I did have a thought, did you say you are LCHF usually? It may be that because of your reduced pancreatic function you can't manage to digest the high fats, and if that's the case your pancreas would start to suffer causing the symptoms that you have described. That would also explain the quite rapid weight loss so if you've cut down on the fats and your symptoms have improved and weight loss slowed down, it may be worth tweeking your diet (just a thought obviously not a diagnosis!).
As you know I've got no pancreatic function at all and severe malabsorbsion so my diet has to be more 'severe' but I can't LCHF at all. Can't digest the fats and if I low carb too much weight literally falls off! So I tested my food to work out which carbs spiked my blood sugars the most. In my case it's potatoes, rice, pasta so I've cut them out completely. I limit bread and cereal but do eat them. Must admit I'm a veggie so dont eat meat anyway. As for snacks it does get abit hard but I do eat nuts, fruit (check which ones suit you best, berries tend to have lowest sugars), and believe it or not I've found I can eat small amounts of lactose free cheddar (can't seem to digest the ordinary one), low fat cottage cheese/cream cheese (small portions again). For you, I'd add tuna and chicken perhaps? Because I need some carbs, I indulge in a couple of crackers or ryvitas or when I'm really daring 2 digestives!! I find I can eat weetabix but no other cereal, always skimmed milk. I like to think it's the nearest I'll get to LCHF! It really is trial and error because you are balancing you pancreas' needs with your diabetes needs but its worth it (especially when I found I could eat the cheese :D). I'm going to tag @Shar67 because I think she is probably closer to your situation than me and she might have some bright ideas! Xxxxx
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Like Mrs P I'm veggie but eat fish, I too cannot eat potatoes or green leafy veg, I do like olives but the make my spike.
I love mushroom. A million ways to eat them. I like to sauté them with leaks and melt cheese over them (any veggie cheese)
I don't tend to snack but always have a supply of soup to hand ( homemade and frozen). My GP recommended always having salad to hand so lots of sliced veg (I love carrots possibly more than mushroom) so peppers, cucumber, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli spring onions etc. I eat 4 times a day, but not what you might eat at times for example I might have salad for breakfast and porridge for tea. I think you have to find your core foods that don't cause problems then add to them.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for your replies. I can't do LCHF because I can't do the fats, I'm full after taking the handfuls of Creon ! I do eat a lot of veg but not any leafy ones, they cause problems, get stuck in the new joints ( can't remember what they are called ). I can't eat white bread for the same reason. Until this started in October other than the foods mentioned I could eat and drink almost anything in moderation. I've battled to keep my weight on since the op and was doing really well until this diabetes started.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm fine with eggs and regularly have an omelette or scrambled eggs for breakfast/lunch. I can also eat a croissant, they dont cause any problems. I've noticed that rice and pasta send my sugar high so I've (the wife has!) reduced the portion by half when I have them, but then I'm hungry. She had me trying spiralled butternut squash the other night, it went in the bin, horrible stuff.
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On and off, one egg is OK preferably boiled, potato is more of a problem.
I had a list as long as could be before panc started playing up of foods that I cannot eat, sometimes I try to see if they are still bad and they all are
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The only food I've been able to reintroduce is the cheese but its slivers rather than lumps and has to be the lactose free stuff! It is lovely to have the cheese flavour again after about 15 years of no dairy except a splash of skimmed milk!! :)