Good to hear from you
@FNDodd!! So pleased you are feeling abit better! I did have a thought, did you say you are LCHF usually? It may be that because of your reduced pancreatic function you can't manage to digest the high fats, and if that's the case your pancreas would start to suffer causing the symptoms that you have described. That would also explain the quite rapid weight loss so if you've cut down on the fats and your symptoms have improved and weight loss slowed down, it may be worth tweeking your diet (just a thought obviously not a diagnosis!).
As you know I've got no pancreatic function at all and severe malabsorbsion so my diet has to be more 'severe' but I can't LCHF at all. Can't digest the fats and if I low carb too much weight literally falls off! So I tested my food to work out which carbs spiked my blood sugars the most. In my case it's potatoes, rice, pasta so I've cut them out completely. I limit bread and cereal but do eat them. Must admit I'm a veggie so dont eat meat anyway. As for snacks it does get abit hard but I do eat nuts, fruit (check which ones suit you best, berries tend to have lowest sugars), and believe it or not I've found I can eat small amounts of lactose free cheddar (can't seem to digest the ordinary one), low fat cottage cheese/cream cheese (small portions again). For you, I'd add tuna and chicken perhaps? Because I need some carbs, I indulge in a couple of crackers or ryvitas or when I'm really daring 2 digestives!! I find I can eat weetabix but no other cereal, always skimmed milk. I like to think it's the nearest I'll get to LCHF! It really is trial and error because you are balancing you pancreas' needs with your diabetes needs but its worth it (especially when I found I could eat the cheese

). I'm going to tag
@Shar67 because I think she is probably closer to your situation than me and she might have some bright ideas! Xxxxx