Hi All,
Just joined. This is my first post. Its been a relief to find this forum, an oasis in the desert. Its brilliant and much of my questions I have had are being discussed. Over the past year have lost weight, ate keto with careful counting and increased exercise yet my Hba1c is still bordering/is pre-diabetic. This has been surprising and frustrating! The current thing I am questioning about what I am doing is whether I need to be more careful of the composition of each meal. I recently watched youtube 'how to avoid blood sugar spikes( without reducing carb intake)' produced by 'nourishedbyscience' (sorry I am a newbie and can't post a link) Disclaimer: This is NOT SPECIFICALLY AIMED AT DIABETICS. But one of their tips seemed sensible advice and that was to avoid eating 'naked carbs' . It showed a graph showing in their case ( 1 person only!) the difference in eating porridge alone ( high BG spike) vs porridge with protein or oils, namely scrambled eggs ( much less of a spike). Looking back on what I have been doing I realised that I might not have always been careful about avoiding naked carbs but more focused on the daily sum total of carbs eaten (20 to 30 g ) and the ratio of carbs fats anf protein( 10% 70% 20%) . So I might have been periodically spiking my BG, giving rise to continuing pre-diabetic levels of Hba1c. I welcome opinions on this and whether there has been discussion on this forum about what 'nourishedbyscience' is saying as it was a random internet find. My apologies if going over already things already discussed. Just point me to where I can find the discussion.
Just joined. This is my first post. Its been a relief to find this forum, an oasis in the desert. Its brilliant and much of my questions I have had are being discussed. Over the past year have lost weight, ate keto with careful counting and increased exercise yet my Hba1c is still bordering/is pre-diabetic. This has been surprising and frustrating! The current thing I am questioning about what I am doing is whether I need to be more careful of the composition of each meal. I recently watched youtube 'how to avoid blood sugar spikes( without reducing carb intake)' produced by 'nourishedbyscience' (sorry I am a newbie and can't post a link) Disclaimer: This is NOT SPECIFICALLY AIMED AT DIABETICS. But one of their tips seemed sensible advice and that was to avoid eating 'naked carbs' . It showed a graph showing in their case ( 1 person only!) the difference in eating porridge alone ( high BG spike) vs porridge with protein or oils, namely scrambled eggs ( much less of a spike). Looking back on what I have been doing I realised that I might not have always been careful about avoiding naked carbs but more focused on the daily sum total of carbs eaten (20 to 30 g ) and the ratio of carbs fats anf protein( 10% 70% 20%) . So I might have been periodically spiking my BG, giving rise to continuing pre-diabetic levels of Hba1c. I welcome opinions on this and whether there has been discussion on this forum about what 'nourishedbyscience' is saying as it was a random internet find. My apologies if going over already things already discussed. Just point me to where I can find the discussion.