OK, your hba1c was 151mmol/mol which corresponds to an average blood sugar of 22mmol/L over the last 3 months. I would argue that this is pretty normal for a new young (under 30 ) T1. Nothing to worry about, your body was gradually stopping its insulin production so a high hba1c confirms that. (Disclaimer, not a doctor.)
I actually think that you are doing well! Much better than you are allowing yourself.
These are really sensible questions.
Keep going and keep learning!
Even after 57 years I am learning.
Actually, especially after 57 years I am still learning.
OK, your hba1c was 151mmol/mol which corresponds to an average blood sugar of 22mmol/L over the last 3 months. I would argue that this is pretty normal for a new young (under 30 ) T1. Nothing to worry about, your body was gradually stopping its insulin production so a high hba1c confirms that. (Disclaimer, not a doctor.)
Do note that often they don't want you to reduce it too fast, ie dont worry if its not as low as you may have seen many post on here.
But yeah it should've dropped a bit by the time of your next blood test