Car insurance (maybe one for cugilia)


Well-Known Member
I just rang my insurance company to share the happy news of my diabetes. I didn't realise I should untill the recent thread. Anyhow, after a lenghty hold listening to awful music and being told how important to them I am (or at least my monthly direct debit is) I was rewarded with a breif chat with a lady in an Indian call centre. Oh, happy days. Anyway, she didn't ask any questions, not even if I was t1 or t2 or on insulin. All she wanted to know if I had been told not to drive. In fact she could not have been less interested.
I know I was late telling them, and ignorance of the law is no excuse. And then when I did know it took a few goes to actually talk to someone (my call is important but the recorded message suggested I call back when they were less busy). Anyway, after all that ranting my question is, should I send a letter recorded delivery because I fear she didn't note down what I said.
Obviously I hope never to have to claim on the policy, but if I did I don't want them claiming I didn't tell them.
Not that I mistrust Indian call centres.......


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I think I would be inclined to send a Recorded Delivery letter and make sure you keep a copy of it in a safe place. It would be nice to think that what you did is all you need to do......however as one who has fallen foul of 'get out clauses' in the past I am a 'belt and braces' man now.

Cover all the angles and you won't go far wrong...... :wink:



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think I will. Far rather spend a quid on recorded delivery than have any future claim denied. May even add a compliant about the total lack of interest.