Changing from Levemir to ?


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Novo Nordisc are going to stop making this insulin. Any recommendations to replace?

I have realised after 30 years - that with the help of the continual glucose readings from libre sensor - I prefer- if I can make it work- to use long acting insulin in combination with low carb food ( not keto, not extreme, but less carbs than the “government recommended “) and just 2 meals that need fast acting, or in the future less, .

I know the closed loop is amazing development but still, at the moment I am not interested in wearing an insulin pump.

Used to have Lantus but I see it’s also being discontinued, did not like the acidity of it. Think it affected my skin and the one I was reading about now is similar, but maybe better. It really annoys me that Levemir is being discontinued!

Any recommendations for long acting welcome
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If you don't like Lantus (or any of the biosimilar glargines which have the same issues), this likely leaves you with Tresiba.
Tresiba is by far my favourite long acting insulin but it'll take some getting used to if you come from Levemir.
It's very long acting and very stable, which I love. The downside of this is that it takes a couple of days for a dosage change to take effect.
No issue if you don't adjust your doses much with Levemir, but if you do, you might find this frustrating.


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I will definitely ask to try this, Thankyou ! It sounds good.Do you use it once or twice a day?
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Tresiba is typically used once a day, it has a very flat profile. Very forgiving too when it comes to timing, I take it right before bed, no matter if that's 10:30 pm or 5:30 am, this wouldn't work well with Levemir.
If you currently split your dose of Levemir 50/50, you'll likely like the Tresiba. But if you need a much larger or smaller dose during the day than during the night it can be a bit more difficult with Tresiba.
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That sounds good with one dose. I am aiming to feel as “free from” the practical sides as possible ( with that I mean the things you physically have to do) and balance the carbs and excersize ( really just walking but a lot in a normal day as my job is not sitting much) to make it work . I have a habit of doing extra 2 units and have for years, to correct highs, because I am often too careful with the fast acting, but not for nothing, as a small person 2 units can be the difference of a bad hypo or normal for me and serious hypos are not good to have.

Lately I have upped Levemir but it’s the same split dose not different morning / night. I wake up now low but it’s usually if I took those extra 2 units after dinner if I under calculated the dinner dose. But my long time goal is to get the long acting so good that I can rely on it to keep it close to normal. I don’t aim for perfect bloodsugar, just within range .

Anyway that’s more info maybe than you needed. Thanks again!!
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I didn’t know it’s being discontinued so glad you posted. How soon until it isn’t available? I also follow low carb. I have a diabetes review with my new GP coming up so will discuss with them then


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I didn’t know it’s being discontinued so glad you posted. How soon until it isn’t available? I also follow low carb. I have a diabetes review with my new GP coming up so will discuss with them then
I think it’s still another 2 years, so not very very urgent
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Well-Known Member
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Novo Nordisc are going to stop making this insulin. Any recommendations to replace?

I have realised after 30 years - that with the help of the continual glucose readings from libre sensor - I prefer- if I can make it work- to use long acting insulin in combination with low carb food ( not keto, not extreme, but less carbs than the “government recommended “) and just 2 meals that need fast acting, or in the future less, .

I know the closed loop is amazing development but still, at the moment I am not interested in wearing an insulin pump.

Used to have Lantus but I see it’s also being discontinued, did not like the acidity of it. Think it affected my skin and the one I was reading about now is similar, but maybe better. It really annoys me that Levemir is being discontinued!

Any recommendations for long acting welcome
I'm about to change over aswell , I was given the choice of Tresiba and toujeo. So glad to read some this
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I read about Tresiba, and it sounded good- so have decided with my Doctor at Diabetes Centre to go for it. Will start next week, I look forward to only using long acting once a day, hope it turns out good.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
According to this we have until December 2026 to look for individual replacements for Levemir

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