@Magda8112 Technically the funding has been allocated for all areas. It has been ring fenced specifically for closed loops. However, there is a hierarchy for who will get it for the first five years. Starting with children and pregnant women. Then order of severity of problems. So you may not be as high up that list as you would wish to be.
@becca59 notes, Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) pump roll-out was approved for NHS England on an extended 5 year rollout in early 2024. This long rollout is due to the significant funding required, the need for more specialist trained staff to support expanded pump use, and also the ability of the pump manufacturers to manufacture the required equipment. After children and pregnant women, I believe that existing non closed loop pump users are next in line. Do you already use a standalone pump? Are you a confident CGM user and share its data with your diabetes clinic?
Also, although the Omnipod 5 is one of the NHSE's approved HCL pumps, not all individual Health Authorities may offer it - some clinics only offer one or two pump types, others can support a wider choice. Do keep engaging with your diabetes team and keep asking what you can do to improve your chances of being approved.