

It is now 2 days since I had my colonoscopy screening. I am still so nauseous and think it is from the Versed sedation.
I remember the procedure and it was very painful at times. They accidently ripped out my pump site and then I put a new one in when I got home but being so dazed from the sedation I never thought that my highs, in the 20's were from my pump site. Developed ketones. Used my insulin pen to bring down my sugars and gravol for the nausea. Put in a new site yesterday at dinnertime. Now my blood sugar was 3.6 when I got up today but still have small ketones. 2 hours after breakfast I was 13.6. Still so nauseous. I had a bad feeling that I shouldn't have a colonscopy but all the doctors said it was the best screening tool. I am assuming that if I am able to keep my sugars in a good range and drink LOTS of water my ketones will go away. Any comments on this?