Diagnosed today


Active Member
Good evening everyone
This morning following a Glucose Blood Test last week I was informed I now have Diabetes. I was told that next Tuesday I'll have another blood test to see how advanced etc my Diabetes is and also to check Anaemia as they said I am a little anaemic. At that appt I will also be registered at Diabetes Clinic at the surgery. THEN I have to see the doctor again in 2 weeks from today.
I am feeling very teary and worried. I am obese and the doctor has blamed that for the diabetes. I have previously on several occasions asked re. weight loss surgery but been refused as the doctor doesn't think it'd help me! I just think - if he had referred me - would I be in this situation now?!
I am also a bit worried re. my left eye as recently it hasn't been its usual self and today I read Diabetes can affect your vision - I intend mentioning at the clinic for an eye-screening just to be sure as read these are recommended.
My doctor has said he thinks I'll be needing tablets and diet plans to help me.
I have a dietician appt on 12th Feb. My doctor did say he would refer me in the past to a psychologist re. food issues but when I asked ,as not heard anything, he just said these things take time.
I am panicking as to what to do now.......... I feel lost - I feel weepy - I feel almost in disbelief - I feel AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!
Can anyone give me any advice / tips what I should do now. My parents who I usually turn to for emotional support are abroad on their hols......my husband is very blase about it and doesn't seem bothered.......my kids are "OK mum" - that's that!



soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Don't panic. We can help.
i don't understand what your doctor means by "how advanced" your diabetes is. I'd be interested if you could ask him some time.
the first thing i think might help is your way of Eating.
Are you overweight?
In any case the best start is to get rid of sugar and anythin with sugar in. if you sweeten your tea, use sweeteners.
then reduce the starches down low. that's the baked goods, pasta, rice, potatoes and some other root vegetables. forget All you've heard about Healthy Whole grains. they aren't or fats being bad, they're not.
Base your eating on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegeable proteins like tofu and quorn and green veggies.If you know the Atkins diet, It's near perfect for diabetes. It is going to be a lot to take in and it will be a while befor you get to grips with everything.
Get back to us with specific questions, but in the meantime, read the d-solve website and diabetes 101. I'm sorry, I've forgotten the links. You can google them.
And don't get too stressed. diabetes isn't curable, but it is manageable.


Hi poppyowner and welcome to the forum.
Obesity is not the only cause of diabetes as there are also a lot of genetics involved. Why is it that everyone who is obese is not a diabetic?
Please read around the forum as to any relevant things you wish to know and then come back with any questions, There is always someone here to help.
With regard to your eyesight, high blood sugars do affect your eyes but this is a temporary thing and usually settles once you get your blood sugars down. Use the two websites that Hana has recommended as there is loads of stuff on there for newly diagnosed.
Believe me when I say that we all know how you feel as we have all been there. It does get better and can be managed successfully.
Regards, Catherine.


Active Member
Just posted a reply but now it seems to have got lost in hyperspace....

Basically my main queries are these -


What is the recommended diet plan - low carb, sugar free ?????


Well-Known Member
Fasteddie; Richard K Bernstein; William S. Atkins; Rosemary Bloody Conley;

Welcome to the forum, and glad you found us, I'm just sorry it had to be under these circumstances. There is a lot to take in, and there are a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people on this forum more than happy to offer advice.

It's very easy and very popular for people to blame diabetes on obesity, but bear in mind that statistics show that 80% of obese people are not diabetic and 20% of people with type 2 diabetes are not obese. I would put that to one side, and say to yourself, "there you go I've got a diagnosis, what am I going to do about it?".

You are quite right to ask for your eyes to be screened, especially if you are having problems with them.

Most, if not all, of the complications associated with diabetes are related to high blood glucose levels, and your first priority must be to bring those levels down. The biggest change you can make is to look at your diet and, if you'll forgive the vernacular, cut out the ****. The appointment with the dietitian will help you do that, but there are things you can do between now and your appointment.

It is important that you realise the connection between carbohydrates and your blood glucose (BG) levels. In my opinion, the only way you are going to be able to do that is by getting hold of a blood glucose meter and doing some self testing. At your appointment next Tuesday discuss self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) with your GP, do not take no for an answer, as you begin to try to get your BG under control self testing is the biggest tool in your toolbox. NICE guidelines stipulate that self-testing should be discussed with a newly diagnosed person.

You will have lots of questions, this is the right place to ask them, so please feel free to ask, I know this will sound like a cliché, but there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Regards, Tubs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
liars, animal cruelty
hya poppy,
you need to certainly cut back if not stop most carbs, potatoes,bread,pasta etc,carbs are hidden in many foods,
a little pocket size book is very cheap called carb counter by collins gem,this will show you exactly what carbs are in what, you also ned to cut sugar out, which is choccy,sweets,buns, certain drinks and of course sugar,this will definately lower your bloods which in turn will help your eyes as high bloods cause blurred vision, im not type 2 but will try answer any other questions u have just ask away :D


Active Member
s'cuse my ignorance but what are carbs EXACTLY ?

What foods are the carbs to cut out ?

This self testing - do I have to pay for a kit (I pay for my prescriptions!) or is it provided free ?

So between now and my dietician I should aim to completely cut out all carbs and all sugar (does that mean all the other terms within labels ie sucrose?) AND what about natural sugars - are fruit and veg ok - what about grapes? Sweeteners - can I still use those and can I still enjoy my cuppa?

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
This may help.


Basically you have two types of carbohydrate.Simple carbs which is sugar and puts your blood sugar levels up quickly,and complex carbs which put your blood sugar up more slowly but are converted 100% into glucose(sugar) in your bloodstream.
The complex carbs re the ones to cut right down ,they are found in bread,rice,pasta ,potatoes and all flour based things like cakes and biscuits.You do not need to cut out ALL carbs!!you can get plenty carbs from eating vegetables and fruit.Sucrose is another form of sugar as is anything ending in 'ose' or 'ole' Sweeteners are ok if you like them!!
Some doctors will prescribe test strips for type 2's and some won't!!It's worth asking.
I know it's confusing but it does come together eventually ,we've all been there!!


hi poppyowner im type 2 as well you should be able to get a meter from your doctor or diabetic nurse for free and you perscriptions should be free to if you have to take tablets you can get an exsemption certificate for all you medication I'm still learning but I'm glad I found this sight its made me feel more human again take one step at a time and go to the doctors with everything you want to ask him written down take care

dumpling x :)



everyone seems to have covered the advice I was going to give, so all I can offer is fresh empathy!

got diagnosed on wed (type 1) and can share the feeling of ARRRRRRGH, been through denial, grief, depression and now finally acceptance

might not mean much to you but I'm already finding it easier to accept 3 days later and looking at the positive side that I'll have a superb knowledge of nutrition, as well as biology lol

if you're anything like me, lots of things you read will scare you, i shat myself thinking of all the possible complications but basically as long as you are compliant and do EXACTLY what the diabetes nurse tells you you will be fine. the ones that are fine are the ones that take no notice of what the nurse says! (or so mine says lol)

least they caught it now. I keep thinking its ****** but it could be worse, I could have cancer, or one leg, or be ginger!!

(lol jokes, no offence to red heads meant)


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Hi Poppy
Read my lesson on carbs called Carbohydrate 102 and 102. It's got all the basics there. sue has given you a good practical breakdown. mu piece is the science.