I HAD been diagnosed for some 30 years, as EPLILEPTIC, but, last year, Neurology informed i am NOT EPILEPTIC as HYPOS cause seizers so it is a KNOWN TRIGGER, so it IS NOT EPILEPSY! An here you are being told, IT IS EPILEPSY an hypos happen becuase of it. Diabetic Clinic says its a Neurology condition, a Neurology Clinic says its a Diabetic condition....Truth is, ITS BOTH! It seems you, like i, have fallen into the "Grey" area of medical science, a area where, as no doctor has written papers on it, it officially, simply, does not exist, even though we actually live with it an know IT DOES EXIST! As for DVLA they dont care, all they care about is time between loosing control of vehicle, what this is. IF there is enough time passing between attacks, then you can ask they reinstate it? The time between attacks, or what license they give you, and conditions of that license, woll depend on the law in your area.
As for inducing hypos, it is possible seizure could cause hypos, as having a seizure uses as much energy as running a marathon. In my own case, its hypos that caused seizures. An since being on a pump, with, cgm, i have not had a single seizure in years. As such, if i had a driving license, i would probably been allowed to have a 3 year one, now i am on the pump,cgm,combo, an not a single seizure in years!
Told them as a child, to put me on a pump, as it would solve a LOT of issues, but they told me, i would NEVER be on a pump! An quiet frankly, if i had not pressed for it, citing N.I.C.E guidlines, i doubt i would be on one now. An would no doubt STILL be on anti-epilepsy medications, that totally screwed up my mind, thank you nhs for CAUSING conditions you need not have if only you listened to you patients in the first place! Oh well....BTW...STILL have no formal identification of the condition i do actually have, because each clinic refuses to give one, saying its the others responcability, so, same thing had all my life, yet now, it does not exist, officially....IF i could, have NOTHING to do with the NHS, i most certainly would, its just not fit for purpose, STILLB waiting for 3 teeth to be extracted, as no one will do it, becuase of this, none existant, but existing, condition...Its only been over 2 years now, waiting, for someone to do something! Two NHS bodies where suposed to phone me last week, they didnt, as usual....
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