Feeling cold when it's not cold


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've been having a problem lately with feeling cold when it's not (as you might have gathered from the title). I'm sitting in my living room just now, it's 19-20c, I'm wearing a fleece and I still feel cold. :( I'm not sure if it's been a problem before, but I'm really noticing it now... and I'm wondering if it's diabetes-related. I also felt really weird last night, as if I was having a panic attack or something, but my blood sugar levels were OK (well, higher than they should be, but fairly normal for me), so I don't know what that was about.

Has anyone else experienced this? :?:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.
Hi canadagoose and welcome to the forum :) About your feeling cold all the time, are you underweight? This could make you feel cold. If being cold is diabetes related someone on the forum will have experienced this and will be able to advise you if anything can be done. I have the opposite problem of feeling hot all the time. In the meantime some general advice on looking after your diabetes may be useful so here is some information prepared for new members by the Forum Monitors (even if you are not newly diagnosed) that you might like to read:

Here is the advice that Ken and I, as Forum Monitors, usually give to newly diagnosed Diabetics. We hope that these few ideas gained through experience help you to gain control and give you some understanding of Diabetes. This forum doesn't always follow the recommended dietary advice, you have to work out what works for you as we are all different.

It's not just 'sugars' you need to avoid, diabetes is an inability to process glucose properly. Carbohydrate converts, in the body, to glucose. So it makes sense to reduce the amount of carbohydrate that you eat which includes sugars.

For more information on CARBOHYDRATE see here:


This is NOT a low carb diet suggestion, just a reduction in your intake of carbohydrate. You have to decide yourself how much of a reduction will keep your blood glucose levels in control.

The main carbs to avoid OR reduce are the complex or starchy carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, starchy root veg and also any flour based products. The starchy carbs all convert 100% to glucose in the body and raise the blood sugar levels significantly.

If you are on Insulin you may find that reducing the carb intake also means that you can reduce your dose of insulin. This can help you to keep weight gain down as Insulin tends to make you put on weight and eventually cause insulin resistance. This should be done slowly so as not to cause hypos.

The way to find out how different foods affect you is to do regular daily testing and keep a food diary for a couple of weeks. If you test just before eating, then two hours after eating, you will see the effect of certain foods on your blood glucose levels. Some foods, which are slow acting carbohydrates, are absorbed more slowly so you may need to test three or even four hours later to see the effect that these have on your blood glucose levels.

Buy yourself a carb counter book (you can get these on-line) and you will be able to work out how much carbs you are eating, when you test, the reading two hours after should be roughly the same as the before eating reading, if it is then that meal was fine, if it isn’t then you need to check what you have eaten and think about reducing the portion size of carbs.

When you are buying products check the total carbohydrate content, this includes the sugar content. Do not just go by the amount of sugar on the packaging as this is misleading to a diabetic.

As for a tester, try asking the nurse/doctor and explain that you want to be proactive in managing your own diabetes and therefore need to test so that you can see just how foods affect your blood sugar levels. Hopefully this will work ! Sometimes they are not keen to give Type 2’s the strips on prescription, (in the UK) but you can but try!!

For TIPS FOR STRIPS see here:


If you are an Insulin user in theory you should have no problem getting test strips.

The latest 2011 NICE guidelines for Bg levels are as follows:
Fasting (waking and before meals).......between 4 - 7 mmol/l...(Type 1 & 2)
2 hrs after meals........................no more than 8.5 mmol/l.....( Type 2)

2hrs after meals......................... no more than 9 mmol/l ......(Type 1)

If you are able to keep the post meal numbers lower, so much the better.

It also helps if you can do at least 30 minutes moderate exercise a day, it can be split into 10 min sessions to start with. It doesn't have to be strenuous.

The above is just general advice and it is recommended that you discuss with your HCP before making any changes. You can also ask questions on the forum on anything that is not clear.





Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
daisy1 said:
Hi canadagoose and welcome to the forum :) About your feeling cold all the time, are you underweight? This could make you feel cold. If being cold is diabetes related someone on the forum will have experienced this and will be able to advise you if anything can be done. I have the opposite problem of feeling hot all the time. In the meantime some general advice on looking after your diabetes may be useful so here is some information prepared for new members by the Forum Monitors (even if you are not newly diagnosed) that you might like to read:
Hi Daisy, thanks for the welcome! I'm not underweight, no; I'm on the heavier side of healthy - but not quite overweight. Could do to lose a bit of weight, to be honest :p

(edit: oops)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.
Hi canadagoose :) I actually asked if you were underweight but since you are not it can't be that. Read the last post on the Victoza thread (link below) - someone else has the same problem but unfortunately doesn't have a solution either. His may of course be because of Victoza. Have a look later to see if any advice is given there:



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
people that make me panic. Racism - in fact most 'isms'
I'm eating low carb - have been for 2-3 weeks - and I am cold. I'm usually the hot one in the room but am sitting with a jumper and cardigan on.

Could it be what you are eating?


PS Whenever I change my eating - low calorie, low carb - whatever (usually dieting) I always get some nasty (to me) symptoms. As though my body is saying 'go back to what we had last week - don't like this'. A
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Anything healthy!
I'm always cold too. I have been to drs about it they don't know why. I've been told so many times it's not normal but nothing I can do about it!


Well-Known Member
Since reducing carbs I have lost the hot all the time feeling and instead I am frequently cold, very cold.

But I have also found as a woman of a certain age, that I am not getting hot flushes but cold flushes, I didn't know they existed but my doctor confirms that they are indeed a symptom of the menopause.


Well-Known Member
imalittlefishy said:
Feeling cold a lot of the time can be a sign of thyroid problems...probably worth checking out anyway...xx
Agree with littlefishy. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am due to start on thyroxine. Some of the symptoms of this are feeling cold, feeling tired, problems with concentration, feeling depressed, weight gain, a slower heart rate, constipation, dry skin etc. Although I don't have all these symptoms, and sometimes don't feel like I have any, but my TSH levels are definitely too high :(
It's worth asking your doctor to have a blood test for it. I'm surprised they haven't suggested having this test already.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Those symptoms sound familiar... I'll call up my doctor's surgery on Monday and book an appointment for a blood test. Probably won't get an appointment for another 3 weeks, but oh well :p

Thanks for your help!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi canadagoose, ive only been diabetic for a year or so now but my doctor says I get cold even when its warm because of poor curculation (soz for poor spelling) I have found getting massages or just rubbing the cold area has helped as it is a easy way to warm up. Maybe be worth a try for you. I never noticed the cold till I started loosing weight aswell. My recomendation would be if you have a partner to get some heating oils and get them to try giving you a massage and see if you still get cold later in the day. Hope this helps you. :)

I've been having a problem lately with feeling cold when it's not (as you might have gathered from the title). I'm sitting in my living room just now, it's 19-20c, I'm wearing a fleece and I still feel cold. :( I'm not sure if it's been a problem before, but I'm really noticing it now... and I'm wondering if it's diabetes-related. I also felt really weird last night, as if I was having a panic attack or something, but my blood sugar levels were OK (well, higher than they should be, but fairly normal for me), so I don't know what that was about.

Has anyone else experienced this? :?:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I suffer with high blood sugars just started insulin along side metformin i am fine in the morning then all of a sudden i start shivering and cold when the shivering stops i get very hot and have to sleep i am under weight suggestions please


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
really so i should make appointment to have it checked out .I thought it was due to my sugars being high
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hi since i last spoke to you i was taken to hospital i had a severe UTI infection causing my sugars to go up i came home yesterday still feel very unwell sugars very erratic i am now taking novorapid 3 times a day, metformin twice a day anf humilin 1 before going to bed sugars are still 24 due to infection fever starts in the evening i dont seem to be getting anywhere with this


I have just started insulin - my blood sugar is way lower than it has been for years and some ways that feels better. I have LADA and had got thin recently, but until I started the insulin had no problem with temp control and having been extensively blood profiled, no thyroid problem has emerged - so far! I do have trouble keeping warm now. My family say it's the cold weather and this year seems extended cold season, but it's somehow different than being cold because of weather, it's cold from the inside! I sleep ok but often need to get up for more covers, or less....my thermostat seems to have gone wrong. I love carby food, but now try to avoid it as insulin need then goes down. I wonder if the blood glucose targets are so low (after all my target is 5-6 and a hypo is below 4) that after a lifetime with a level of 10 - 13 feeling great, the low level makes my body's fire go down so low that it's nearly out. I never was able to tolerate the drugs, and get on fine with insulin but the cold feeling is rather unpleasant.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I’m usually cold too, especially at night - my morning temperature is only around 35.5C. My thyroid function has always been the lower end of normal, but not low enough to treat, apparently. I’ll be wearing pyjamas with a sheet, quilt, blanket over my feet and legs, a fleece blanket on top of that, and a hot water bottle at night - while the husband is stark b*ll*ck naked with just the sheet. And he’s still hot :D

BG levels seem irrelevant - I’m just always cold. Unless it’s sweltering outside, and them I’m too hot. There’s no happy medium!


Well-Known Member
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Prefer not to say
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people who think they know about Diabetes, but they really don't
I feel very cold even shiver in summer when it is over 45°C outside and feel hot when it is -°C's.

Mine is due to neuropathy.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I'm also cold all the time, although I have been since before I was diabetic. I wear jackets and long trousers and have a quilt on my bed in the summer even. I don't think it is necessarily related to diabetes.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all, I’m type 2 & tonight while working night shift all of a sudden I was cold, I did my blood sugar level & it was 5.9 which is low for me, but last night I was fine even though my sugar level was only 3.8 I have no idea why it’s like this or why I’ve started to feel cold, has anyone got any suggestions