I watched it, and I follow some of her stuff on line. She has recently introduced supplements for sale, which is always a "red flag" to me. But some of her "hacks" do follow low carb, low sugar, keep moving etc.
Like most TV programmes they gloss over the detail and only present success stories
The lady with the acne, I was incensed to see her rises from 5 to 6 being described as "spikes". That is so alarmist and plain wrong, in a non-diabetic.
However, I suppose anything that promotes, in the main stream, the low carb ideas and a way of eating that helps some, has to be welcomed.
Each participant was given a cgm. In general snacking is discouraged, or made savoury, processed food is out, veggies, protein and fibre are in. Carbs in moderation and never alone.
She's a clever presenter, never actually said Eatwell is wrong but did highlight none had been given "its what your eating that's wrong" advice.
They never explained what type of "scientist" she is. I have gcses in physics, chemistry and biology, does that make me a scientist too?
However, most of us on here are self taught, so maybe I shouldn't criticise someone who has found away to make a lot of money from that knowledge.