Have YOU ALL lost your WAY??


Well-Known Member
Dear All,


We are all different types of people, we all have our own minds, this is a faceless (by faceless I mean no one is going to turn up on your door step, telling you what to do) forum, if you don’t agree with a person’s view, then you don’t have to follow them.

I guess we can all read and write and count our monies, so we are not un-educated, let’s be honest here, so WE can all make our OWN informed choices here.

May be WE all need to back up a little and remember, once we were all un-educated on diabetes, now by using this forum and doing our own research and our own experiences and that of others, we are all a little wiser.

Also, let’s not forget that we ALL have ONE thing In common, we are ALL DIABETIC. Regardless of Type 1, Type 2, Type 1.5, Type LADA, or Type 4 (if there is such a thing).

WE ALL CAN’T process sugar of any kind correctly..!!

One fact that we ALL have to remember, is that DIABETIES will hurt YOU and may be, even KILL YOU, it will bring YOU to your knees and laugh at you, then hurt you some more, if you do not control it, as this condition is awesome as doing what it does BEST, which is in my view, slowly damaging you.. I view it like a mosquito: You don’t know you have been bitten, until it’s too late.

So who the hell cares how each person controls it, as long as we do.

Yea yea, I understand that Type 1, control it differently to Type 2’s and LADA do it again differently, but come on, the end result is that we try to have Normal Blood Sugar levels.

The NHS, they cater for the masses, the do not want to be sued, so they advise with caution, so in simple terms, they are looking after themselves.

ALSO remember if the human body was designed to run with Blood Sugar of plus 7/8mmol 2 hours after food and HbA1c of greater than 6.5% then we would be all fine.

GUESS what is THE HUMAN body was not designed to work this way. So whatever way we can get to normal levels should be applauded.

So may be if you have some respect for each of our types and the moderators / site admins have some common sense, then we NEWBESS would learn more at a faster rate and get control fast of this condition.!

ALSO in very simple terms, if you are diabetic, this mean that your body CANNOT process any form of sugar correctly, so common sense should tell you that you have to control the amount of SUGAR / glucose you put into your body.

This is where the lower carbs come in, and guess what it “works”.

I have read many many posts in this forum in the last 18months to 2 years and every person who controls this condition, does implement some form of Carb control.

Some people use small amounts of carbs, some use medium amounts of carbs, BUT NO ONE, who has control can say that they eat the same amount of carbs as they did before they were told that they have diabetes.

It all depends on how much function you have left in the pancreas, to the amount of carbs you can consume and process with the design of the human body.

E.g. In my view Type 1’s have almost none – this is why they use Insulin.
Type 2’s – Do have some function left, so they use diet and drugs to control etc.

So may I ask we all calm down and apply some common sense and make this forum a success.

Also I am sorry if I have upset anyone, but feel the above correct in my view as a Type 2.

Hope you all have a nice day / evening.



Well-Known Member
:clap: Agree 100% with the above post.

I come on here to learn about my condition not to pick fights and fall out with other members. I try to respect opinions and know that I will not always agree with everything that is said, but I accept this.

As Simply says, can everyone calm down and try and make this forum a success. If it closes down I'll be lost without you guys :(



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
would you be saying this if you, or someone you respect, is banned for no good reason?

I doubt it.