Have you been told not to test your blood sugars?


My Dr told me I didn't need to test but could do if I wanted to, as I control my diabetes with diet.
Unfortunately I was told it would be enough to test once a day by my Dr.I'd just come out of hospital where I had been put on Insulin after being really ill on tablets .I have enough strips to test three times but as I need to drive two of these are used for that The remaining one I have been using randomly.
Just had a review and the nurse has ordered more. I hope this gives me the information I need . She said I must have misheard him. I did not mishear but he has said along with some of the nurses some frightening things its so scary.Thankfully I have some knowledgeable diabetics around me and on this forum.

Art Of Flowers

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My diabetes nurse gave me an Accu-Chek Mobile glucose meter. I found it very useful. when I was diagnosed my blood sugar was over 13 and my HBA1C was 99. I cut out food containing sugar such as Country Crisp breakfast cereal and the fist reading on the meter was around 9.6. I gradually cut out more and more high carb food such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, bananas and fruit juice. My blood sugars reduce over the weeks.

A blood glucose meter is essential if you want to reverse type 2 diabetes using diet.
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Being alone and having little or no money to enjoy the hobbies I like to do.
I have and I don't understand why not.


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Unfortunately I was told it would be enough to test once a day by my Dr.I'd just come out of hospital where I had been put on Insulin after being really ill on tablets .I have enough strips to test three times but as I need to drive two of these are used for that The remaining one I have been using randomly.
Just had a review and the nurse has ordered more. I hope this gives me the information I need . She said I must have misheard him. I did not mishear but he has said along with some of the nurses some frightening things its so scary.Thankfully I have some knowledgeable diabetics around me and on this forum.
If you’re going to be on insulin for longer than three months, you are required to let the DVLA know and test glucose levels before and possibly during driving and have two daily recorded meter readings. For driving you must be above 5. My insurance company just wants me to comply with DVLA guidelines but other companies may want additional details.
There’s lots of info on this site if you search both for driving and when to test protocols.
Best wishes.


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I have and I don't understand why not.
Reading your bio it says you are pre diabetic. I was too many years ago but followed NHS advice not to test and their nutritional advice of eat carbs and low fat. Of course I went onto develop full blown diabetes!!
This is the best time for you to test but it will need to be self funded. I think this is very short sighted of the NHS because if people tested and understood what carbs did to their glucose levels they could make lifestyle changes early enough to avoid developing diabetes.
Hopefully this forum will give you enough pointers and information to help you navigate through. Best wishes


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Spot on @Taighnamona -

I'm lucky enough to have a somewhat supportive GP. For a while at the start of my treatment, my diagnosis was all over the place, and as a result I had a Glucometer and test strips on my list of prescriptions. With the diagnosis, I also (in the UK) have these paid for by the state. Later on, I had a CGM as well, but as my diagnosis changed to T2, this was removed.

I agreed with my GP, however, to leave the glucose test strips on my list of repeat prescriptions, so I'm able to keep testing as I progress toward remission.

This was a compromise, as I was asking for Ketone strips as well; clearly my argument was that it was cheaper to support dietary change than deal with the result with drugs, and that a years supply of ketone strips were about the same as a month of CGM use.

Also - that testing for glucose doesn't tell you anything about insulin (well, not enough anyway) - and that to fully understand what was going on, I needed to track glucose and ketones (ketones really indicating low insulin).

That didn't fly, and I wasn't pushing it... the GPs have less flexibility than we might think, and I was happy with the compromise, so I fund the ketone measurement, and the NHS funds the glucose.

Your mileage will definitely vary, but I think developing a relationship as much as you can with your GP or support team (and helping to see the result of well directed effort) can only be a good thing, for you and anyone who follows...
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This is not about whether the NHS should, or can afford to, provide test strips on a permanent or temporary basis to non-T1 diabetics. Having read #EveryCloud ’s post, and so many more like it over the years on this forum, I wonder whether we could gather together examples of Healthcare Professionals who have told people that it is either unnecessary or just plain wrong to test their blood sugars. It is a scandal that needs highlighting.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I am type 2. Was told 12 months ago not to test. Theough metformin and diet i got my levels really good. A couple of months ago i started feeling poorly at work. I went and tested, and was having a hypo. A few days later i had another one, so phoned my DN. Straight away she said why are you testing? I said to find out why i was feeling so poorly. She reduced my meds by 2/3. I still had problems so spoke to my gp. He said its the metformin and to stop taking it, and also to keep testing to keep my eye on it. I honestly think it depends on whether there are problems. The way the nurse spoke to me was appalling.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
This is not about whether the NHS should, or can afford to, provide test strips on a permanent or temporary basis to non-T1 diabetics. Having read #EveryCloud ’s post, and so many more like it over the years on this forum, I wonder whether we could gather together examples of Healthcare Professionals who have told people that it is either unnecessary or just plain wrong to test their blood sugars. It is a scandal that needs highlighting.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
I am type 2. Was told 12 months ago not to test. Theough metformin and diet i got my levels really good. A couple of months ago i started feeling poorly at work. I went and tested, and was having a hypo. A few days later i had another one, so phoned my DN. Straight away she said why are you testing? I said to find out why i was feeling so poorly. She reduced my meds by 2/3. I still had problems so spoke to my gp. He said its the metformin and to stop taking it, and also to keep testing to keep my eye on it. I honestly think it depends on whether there are problems. The way the nurse spoke to me was appalling.
I was told not to monitor them I was 3.5. Took off some tablets then this week been 8.1-16. She keeps saying I’ll have a check annually and that is sufficient.
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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I was told not to monitor them I was 3.5. Took off some tablets then this week been 8.1-16. She keeps saying I’ll have a check annually and that is sufficient.
Yes well she is not in your position of being a type 2 is she. Personally I would get a second opinion and keep testing, self fund if needs be.


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I was told not to monitor them I was 3.5. Took off some tablets then this week been 8.1-16. She keeps saying I’ll have a check annually and that is sufficient.
Have you updated them with your recent readings since reducing medication? I have my hba1c checked every 3-6 months
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I believe monitoring is very important. I buy the cheapest test strips to top up gp sent cassettes, from specialist diabetes website. There are too many diabetics in my family to take chances.
I bought a GlucoRx meter that takes packs of strips, the cheapest I could find! I think the first meter was NHS supplied, and that was where the first strips came from. Then, told no need to test, I continued buying my own. I wanted to know!!
Readings go up with viruses, Covid, Rsv and flu, so I can see when things are levelling up again. Eventually, Surgery the sent me Acu Chek cassettes, 50 tests on each one. I topped up with the test strips. My background in chemical analysis had taught me not to rely on a single test unless there was not enough sample! The latest cassette came last week. So I have 50 tests now for a month until someone wants to save money again. I top up so I get a second test! Recently I had a phone appointment with a registrar (I think), not at the hospital I normally go to, He told me I'm not diabetic. After so many years! I didn't believe him. I complained to Patient Liason, from the hospital I normally attend. My cassettes are reinstated, for now. I can top up with my self funded strips when needed.
Having a meter has helped me follow what my blood glucose is doing and if needed ease up or top up to a better level. A lot of relatives have autoimmune problems, perhaps the diabetes is related to the immune responses.
Keep pestering the gps, and ask for advice from consultants. It has taken me a long time and the 'rules' may change tomorrow. She never had HbA1c on her list even today, after the consultants letter to the surgery.
HbA1c and more thyroid blood tests this morning from surgery nurse. A consultant refused to see me recently until I had the full range of tests needed. Now I want the results back so I can take them to the clinic. The regular hospital is not linked to the same network as my gp. But it's the nearest hospital, I will make sure I get my results.
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