Hi from a newbie with Pancreas Probs & Diabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

Many years ago (not in a Galaxy Far Far Away) but in my Pancreas the bad Evil Zollinger–Ellison syndromes attacked my Pancreas Bases, I was saved by a Surgeon that had strong links with the force and he operated on me and saved me

Many years of medication later I was rushed to hospital with sugar levels off the scale and it now seems that The Good Insulins have deserted my Pancreas and evil has now decided to fight back in another episode and this time has taken and killed the good parts that I need to combat the sugars and Insulin is no longer with me

So just to say hello and I like reading all your posts, they do help me understand what is going on inside me



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all

Many years ago (not in a Galaxy Far Far Away) but in my Pancreas the bad Evil Zollinger–Ellison syndromes attacked my Pancreas Bases, I was saved by a Surgeon that had strong links with the force and he operated on me and saved me

Many years of medication later I was rushed to hospital with sugar levels off the scale and it now seems that The Good Insulins have deserted my Pancreas and evil has now decided to fight back in another episode and this time has taken and killed the good parts that I need to combat the sugars and Insulin is no longer with me

So just to say hello and I like reading all your posts, they do help me understand what is going on inside me


Hi, I'm sure I replied to your first post and you got some helpful responses on there so might I politely suggest that as this one seems to be very similar, it would be better to add it to your previous post to save people repeating the same advice as previously given and keep everything in the same place. Just a thought xx


Hi @thearcher, with every respect to @copey399 personally I'm pleased you have reposted in the type 3C (pancreatic) sub section because despite the fact you are a type 2 it is possibky a more appropriate place for this particular question due to you Pancreatic issues. I've also been tagged by @Brunneria in another post re your CFS (thanks brunneria :))
I'm no expert on ZE but have a little understanding , so may have to ask you lots of questions! But firstly can I ask whether the doctors have directly related your CFS to you Pancreatic disease? CFS is a known 'complication' of severe Pancreatic disease.
Secondly, can you be more specific in what's happened recently and what is happening with your pancreas. Have you had a reoccurance of the ZE?, are they saying that has caused the diabetes and what treatment are they offering?
Finally (for now!;)) you mentioned your blood sugar control in another post - we will try and help with that one when we know more!!
And I am obliged to say, I'm not a doctor just a Diabetic with a deceased parrot, pancreas!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
hi copey

Thanks for the replies, and there is absolutely no need to ever apologise to me, unless you borrow £20 and don't give it back ;) as I am so new to all this, any input and advice is more than welcome

Hi mrspuddleduck

The CFS hasn't been attributed to the Pancreas or Diabetes, I have had CFS for over 5 years, I spend a lot of time (or rather used to) in woodlands and got bit by deer ticks bless them, and got chronic Lyme Disease, which has led to my CFS as a follow on

The much earlier Pancreas problem with the Zollinger Ellison had been cleared up with the operation I had, this was about 15 years ago, and the Doctors think now that this wasn't directly responsible for the close down on the insulin producing parts of the Pancreas they can't be sure, more scans soon in the new year and more examinations may give a better idea on how this happened

What is for definite is that the diabetes issue was very sudden in its appearance, at the GP I was given blood and urine tests about 10 days before I was taken into hospital and all was fine with bloods and sugars, then I started feeling bad and put it down to the CFS etc and I was very surprised when I found out and was very surprised at the symptons

As you can see I have been really lucky at picking up weird and rare medical problems :(

If I can answer anything else you need to know just ask

Happy New Year Everyone :playful:
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Hi @thearcher, fascinating! (I mean that in the nicest way possible!). The diabetes may I suppose be a complete coincidence but given your history??? It will be interesting to see what the scan results etc are, You will come back and let us know?!! Meanwhile how are they treating the diabetes, are you on meds, and how's the diet going?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi mrspuddledck

I got the results if my first scan and ultrasound and they did show up many problems with the pancreas and some with my liver, so I am having them done again in the next week or so, I am not really worried about the pancreas, but the news on the liver had me a tad worried for a while, but the doc says for my age 61 it isn't really that bad

As you say fascinating history, the main gut consultant at Derriford has even held a teaching meeting with the new doctors on the Zollinger Ellison as it is quite rare and I am told with only 1 in 16 million getting it like I did worth a talk, so as they say I am special :angelic: well feeling a cross between special and a guinea pig :hungover:

I am on FlexPen Rapid after meals, 18 of insulin and FlexPen Levemir before bed and sleep at 32 of insulin long lasting, my sugars are still hovering at the low to mid teens so adjusting dose slowly to get it right, I hope, as I am also Lyme Disease and CFS I take 27 tablets a day, sometimes I wonder how I manage to do anything between medications :rolleyes:


Hi @thearcher glad to hear that despite everything, you're doing OK. I know just how you feel about all the meds, sometimes I feel like I must rattle as I walk down the road! The most important thing is it sounds like you've got some really good doctors looking after you. Keep in touch and let us know how things go. Take care x
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