
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This is an awesome forum I have been following awhile- its 50 years ahead of diabetes education in Australia! I'm 'diet controlled type 2', in fact my numbers often show I'm 'not diabetic' but the symptoms are still there, I have hypos (two nearly killed me as they are not widely recognised in hospitals here-seriously!!). I eat organic low carb and have done for years. I am reasonable fit and active. However I have adrenal fatigue (and yes only one medic in WA deals with this-but adrenaline is a key part of the sugar response). Question to you wonderful people, I have recently been diagnosed with stage 1 heart disease-obviously related to the diabetes. The gp response and the hospital/specialist response 'go away and come back when its stage 2' (stage 3 is very severe), I am now terrified to exercise, I have no idea how to reverse this or where the key sources of information are. My normal exercise is sailing, kite surfing, HIIT, an evening's dancing, 5km fast beach walks and long distance hiking, but while the diabetes didn't worry me, the heart disease does. The GP response 'don't take any strenuous exercise' . This feels like when I was pre-diabetic a mum of young kids with no time to research it, and the medics said 'go away do'nt worry' (oh I wish I knew then,.....). HELP!!! What do I do re the heart disease and who are the experts/best forums/ etc. Thanks so much!!!
(NB state diabetes education here is still high carb high grain argghhh).
added note 1 my cholesterol, triglycerides etc all 'normal'
added note 2 Until Nov 17 my blood pressure very good at 120/80 BUT since then many super low blood pressure episodes eg 90/60, 80/57 ( I kid you not) which the medics are clueless about
added note 3 during a 4 day hospital episode last march (coma, wild pb and heartbeat swings) probably a hypo, I had large (around 3 inches in diameter) brown patches appear on the front and side of my throat, that took 6 weeks to fade, again the medics were clueless-claiming that the whole episode including the brown patches were 'all in my head' any ideas as to the actual cause?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
As a far I can figure out what you call “Stage 1 heart disease” is called “Class 1 heart failure” in some US based documents and “Type A heart failure” in others.

Did your doctor actually say what they mean by “Stage 1 heart disease”?

This is an extract from one of these for “Type A heart failure”

As stated in other articles, the signs and symptoms of Heart Failure are not always easy to detect. But with awareness of family history (genetics), personal behavior (diet, exercise regime, drug abuse, alcohol and sodium intake), and health related problems (diabetes, infection, anemia, and thyroid problems), a person may determine whether or not they may be at a high risk for Heart Failure.

If diagnosis was based on a particular “risk factor” alone it would be difficult to say don’t do this and you will be ok because I don’t which risk factor the doctor was thinking of.

If it was diabetes it would be difficult to say “Dont have diabetes” whereas some of the other stuff would be just a personal choice whether to act on the advice.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Big mouths
This is an awesome forum I have been following awhile- its 50 years ahead of diabetes education in Australia! I'm 'diet controlled type 2', in fact my numbers often show I'm 'not diabetic' but the symptoms are still there, I have hypos (two nearly killed me as they are not widely recognised in hospitals here-seriously!!). I eat organic low carb and have done for years. I am reasonable fit and active. However I have adrenal fatigue (and yes only one medic in WA deals with this-but adrenaline is a key part of the sugar response). Question to you wonderful people, I have recently been diagnosed with stage 1 heart disease-obviously related to the diabetes. The gp response and the hospital/specialist response 'go away and come back when its stage 2' (stage 3 is very severe), I am now terrified to exercise, I have no idea how to reverse this or where the key sources of information are. My normal exercise is sailing, kite surfing, HIIT, an evening's dancing, 5km fast beach walks and long distance hiking, but while the diabetes didn't worry me, the heart disease does. The GP response 'don't take any strenuous exercise' . This feels like when I was pre-diabetic a mum of young kids with no time to research it, and the medics said 'go away do'nt worry' (oh I wish I knew then,.....). HELP!!! What do I do re the heart disease and who are the experts/best forums/ etc. Thanks so much!!!
(NB state diabetes education here is still high carb high grain argghhh).
added note 1 my cholesterol, triglycerides etc all 'normal'
added note 2 Until Nov 17 my blood pressure very good at 120/80 BUT since then many super low blood pressure episodes eg 90/60, 80/57 ( I kid you not) which the medics are clueless about
added note 3 during a 4 day hospital episode last march (coma, wild pb and heartbeat swings) probably a hypo, I had large (around 3 inches in diameter) brown patches appear on the front and side of my throat, that took 6 weeks to fade, again the medics were clueless-claiming that the whole episode including the brown patches were 'all in my head' any ideas as to the actual cause?
Hi PipinAus I live in Perth so I understand where you are at re the diet but if you hang around this forum you will get all the info that you need re a LCHF diet which should help your BG. But regards to your heart I would certainly be asking for a referral to see a cardiologist and getting his opinion. Your doctor doesn't sound very simpathetic to your needs so if I were you I would be changing doctors. Not sure whereabouts you live but if you have a look on the website Low Carb Downunder they list doctors who practise with LCHF in mind.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
I'm in Melbourne .... take a trip east, check in with Epworth hospital (just outta the city) and have it checked out. We're nowhere near qualified to pass on advice but worth getting it checked thoroughly