@LiSwati - has anyone introduced you to the inestimable pleasure of Bullet-Proof coffee?
There is a brand, but I don't mean that - I only discovered this myself a couple of weeks ago - but essentially a spoon of unsalted butter, a spoonful of coconut oil, coffee, and blend it. Took me a couple of weeks to get over the idea, but instantly loved it - tastes like a cappuccino, and leaves you full all morning - it's kind of revolutionised my fasting, because you find yourself now being able to push till 2 or 3 before breaking your fast, then you only need to have something early, or maybe you can push on till the evening... The key thing is that (kind of like your cream) your body doesn't recognise it as food, so you don't break your fast, but at the same time, no need to feel hungry..
I mean, also have a couple of coffees just for the pleasure of the coffee as well, but I've found this a really interesting addition to my fasting "toolbox".