@Icantsleep - agree with
@Juicyj, pumps are all pretty much the same (few minor differences but usually its a try and see thing - which is a bit frustrating I know).
My experience:
Dana-i (current pump) - works well - fiddly to fill but you get used to it, has a very small bolus size so insulin delivery is less likely to cause damage and can be more comfortable.
Medtronic - found the cases cracked (in 4 years had to return 2) which was a known fault - took them 12 years to fix it, apparently the new ones don't have this problem. Found their support to be terrible, and supplies became difficult to get at some times (Christmas came as a complete surprise to them every year) - wouldn't use again.
Omnipod - loved them, however ended up with insulin resistance due to the cannula they use (6mm at 45 degrees insert) so needed another pump - would recommend trying these as easy to live with.
More important is the HCL software (how they work and are they working for people in the 'wild' - I'd recommend reading the face-book groups for each pump and HCL and see what people think.
The CGMs are all generally 'ok' - none perfect but they do a job (its very easy to get wrapped up in the accuracy of them - they are all withing boundaries and as long as consistent will work for Looping, if its .4 of a mmol high, its not going to be that big an impact tbh)
For tech info search on the diabettech website, as I say - HCL looping software is the critical bit.