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I recently had my 3rd diabetic review. I must admit i was feeling apprehensive. I was diagnosed last December with a HbA1c of 62. That went down to 47 (pre diabetic level) in Feb following a LCHF diet and in May it was down to 41 (non diabetic level). 6 months into my new way of eating I had more or less reached my ideal weight. I started at 14 stone 7lbs. I was down to under 11 stone. I actually reached 10 stone 8lbs recently. As I didn't want to lose any more (I'm tall) I began eating a little more to avoid losing more weight. I was apprehensive as I thought this may effect my HbA1c. I was over the moon at my result which came back at 39! I did think it might be lower and must admit at first I was a little disappointed, but once I chatted with forum members I realised it was a great result. So yes I'm delighted to say I'm now in the 30s club. That test was done on 17th November and today I did my home a1c test which came in at 35. This I find can sometimes be about 4 points below what the actual lab result would be but I'm thrilled to get that result. I've decided I'm going to do this test once a month and may even finger prick less in the coming months and just rely on this for guidance.
Further feedback from my DN.
She was pleased with my result. This was a DN I hadn't seen previously so I showed her my file built up over the year and asked if she had had chance to read all the documents I had sent in, inspirational stories booklet, low carb recipes, blood glucose monitoring leaflet, 100 stone lost and kicked diabetes butt doc, Dr unwin papers, 1936 diabetic guidelines of LCHF. 'Oh that was you was it!' She said that it had been discussed and was still being passed around. I asked what her thoughts were re LCHF woe. She said that it's hard to get pts to follow this as most just want to take the meds and continue eating what they want! She said many were struggling financially and couldn't afford to eat this way! She also said I seemed a very intelligent lady (she doesnt know me well) and many of her patients struggled through life as they had had poor educations. They have also been brought up with diabetes and knew it as a way of life, part of life and to be expected basically. She said as much as the DNs give advice the patients still admit to drinking gallons of coke for example and eating rubbish! I said I felt education and support was lacking for us and things needed drastic changes. NHS guidelines are wrong for a start. I felt the complications weren't spelt out. I felt that alternatives to medication were not discussed. I brought up about blood glucose monitors and that I felt all diabetics and pre diabetics should be given one. That won't happen as it would be too costly she replied!!! I told her I had joined the monthly diabetic meeting and was shocked to see only 9 other members there from across Blackpool fylde and wyre. I confirmed I'm doing a talk on my journey in January and was hoping to get a few more members to join in the meantime if she could help. As it happens the practice manager is willing to help me and is going to send all our docs to all local surgeries. She has the email addresses and said she would like to help. I'm absolutely delighted!!!
My cholestrol is 6.3. She wanted to put me straight on statins as over 4 and I'm diabetic and as such susceptible to stroke/heart attack (last DN was of a different opinion.....no consistency!). Errrrr let me think for a minute NO THANKS. She did a quick calc and said that I was ok as my risk factor was just 10%. I checked with the experts on the forum and my ratios are very good and I'm happy with that. That's good enough for me.
It really is a shocking state of affairs when we can't believe what our medical professionals are telling us, thank goodness for the internet. I hope things will change in the near future. This is how I hope go see things pan out. A great video and very funny. The wisdom of the crowds.
Further feedback from my DN.
She was pleased with my result. This was a DN I hadn't seen previously so I showed her my file built up over the year and asked if she had had chance to read all the documents I had sent in, inspirational stories booklet, low carb recipes, blood glucose monitoring leaflet, 100 stone lost and kicked diabetes butt doc, Dr unwin papers, 1936 diabetic guidelines of LCHF. 'Oh that was you was it!' She said that it had been discussed and was still being passed around. I asked what her thoughts were re LCHF woe. She said that it's hard to get pts to follow this as most just want to take the meds and continue eating what they want! She said many were struggling financially and couldn't afford to eat this way! She also said I seemed a very intelligent lady (she doesnt know me well) and many of her patients struggled through life as they had had poor educations. They have also been brought up with diabetes and knew it as a way of life, part of life and to be expected basically. She said as much as the DNs give advice the patients still admit to drinking gallons of coke for example and eating rubbish! I said I felt education and support was lacking for us and things needed drastic changes. NHS guidelines are wrong for a start. I felt the complications weren't spelt out. I felt that alternatives to medication were not discussed. I brought up about blood glucose monitors and that I felt all diabetics and pre diabetics should be given one. That won't happen as it would be too costly she replied!!! I told her I had joined the monthly diabetic meeting and was shocked to see only 9 other members there from across Blackpool fylde and wyre. I confirmed I'm doing a talk on my journey in January and was hoping to get a few more members to join in the meantime if she could help. As it happens the practice manager is willing to help me and is going to send all our docs to all local surgeries. She has the email addresses and said she would like to help. I'm absolutely delighted!!!
My cholestrol is 6.3. She wanted to put me straight on statins as over 4 and I'm diabetic and as such susceptible to stroke/heart attack (last DN was of a different opinion.....no consistency!). Errrrr let me think for a minute NO THANKS. She did a quick calc and said that I was ok as my risk factor was just 10%. I checked with the experts on the forum and my ratios are very good and I'm happy with that. That's good enough for me.
It really is a shocking state of affairs when we can't believe what our medical professionals are telling us, thank goodness for the internet. I hope things will change in the near future. This is how I hope go see things pan out. A great video and very funny. The wisdom of the crowds.
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