I‘d also ask if there was any reason RH could not coexist - for a time - alongside LADA (which you do have some symproms that align with it) as it can alongside type 2 being that each is a separate condition.
I've never had hypos (as far as I know) before starting insulin, but in the various LADA/T1 Facebook groups I follow I see a lot of people early in diagnosis who do get hypos/RH despite not being on insulin yet.
My thinking is that during the honeymoon the pancreas can splutter out insulin in quite unpredictable ways for some. Just my thinking though, I don't have any sources on this.
I am going to tag @Antje77 who is also late onset T1 who will likely be able to offer more info for you.
Thanks for the tag, but I was just about to tag you when I read the post!
Even if it turns out that
@MarthaD (or yourself for that matter) do have T1, it's nothing like mine. I'll share some of my own experiences anyway in case they are useful.
I was only diagnosed when I was already very much diabetic with an hba1c of 78, and within a month it was very clear that tablets and diet weren't going to do the trick so I've been a happy insulin user almost from the start.
I'm also not presently testing positive for any antibodies, so that adds to the confusion. I presume if I was delayed type 1, I'd already have some antibodies, but I may well be wrong about that.
Not everyone shows antibodies, and from what I understand they can come and go as well, no idea how this works though.
So positive antibodies + diabetes = T1. But negative antibodies don't rule out T1 at all.
I asked for a referral to have my antibodies and C-peptide tested two years after my initial T2 diagnosis because things didn't quite add up from a T2 perspective to me.
I was only tested for the anti GAD ones, which were negative.
My C-peptide came back just below low normal at that point.
My endo decided that the combination of a low insulin production fitting with a honeymoon, and the fact that I needed insulin right after diagnosis despite going low carb was enough for a T1 diagnosis with a small question mark. She offered to test for the other antibodies if I really wanted it but I declined.