Unfortunately there is no one rule fits all , everybody is different ! In fact the individual is different from one week to the next if not one day to the next. Sad as it is, it is the truth . Diabetes is all about finding out what works for you. When I first got diabetes it was an absolute sin to mention experimenting , but in reality it has to be done , many who’ve had diabetes any length of time say it’s a marathon not a sprint and how true that is ! Newly diagnosed will be quite dejected at that comment but sticking at it is the key and the more you find out about your bodies reaction to different foods and insulin requirements the easer your diabetic journey will be . Blood sugar levels will never be perfect your diabetic after all and don’t beat yourself up if they go AWOL for short periods. just take small steps at first and celebrate positives no matter how small they may seem , besides you here now which is the best desicion anyone can make cos someone here has definitely been in the same situation proving your not alone