Insulin tissue reaction


Hello all ! Anyone found an insulin that's especially good for sensitive tissues ? Have been Type 1 for 55yrs and now on Ypsomed pump and Dexcom G6. Reverted to Novorapid to start pump therapy but got swelling at infusion sites. So then on Lyumjev but it's no better even with oral antihistamine. Such sharp stinging with smallest bolus and swelling. Tried new site on buttock but no better. Blood sugars stable thankfully. Using inset cannula but don't think that's problem. Thanks for any experience shared !


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Lymjev is known for stinging and swelling, it’s the additive that makes it faster acting— however this fades over time, but I’ve always had a swelling at infusion site typically goes after a few days

Lymjev is fast acting humalog, Fiasp is fast acting novorapid.. so no point trying fiasp if you don’t get on with novo rapid

Humalog may be ok if it’s available again

There are other new name insulins available but they are just generic brand humalog or novorapid

Failing this you can go to older insulin like humalin

But as I say I’ve always had a lump form no matter what insulin…. For me the first 2 months of lymjev would sting like hell, but I typically don’t feel it now
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Hello all ! Anyone found an insulin that's especially good for sensitive tissues ? Have been Type 1 for 55yrs and now on Ypsomed pump and Dexcom G6. Reverted to Novorapid to start pump therapy but got swelling at infusion sites. So then on Lyumjev but it's no better even with oral antihistamine. Such sharp stinging with smallest bolus and swelling. Tried new site on buttock but no better. Blood sugars stable thankfully. Using inset cannula but don't think that's problem. Thanks for any experience shared !
I tried Lyumjev and ended up with hives they were sore and I changed insulin to fiasp.


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Weirdly I had problems with Novorapid, but as long as boluses are given over 15 minutes (or more) for anything over 2 units, Fiasp is usually ok. Makes no sense I know!


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Its very personal to the individual - you have to try options to find one that works, and that will be specific to your metabolism (a pain - but only way to tell is to try till you find a solution).

I found I needed 9mm cannulas to reduce soreness for ultrafast.

Was using Novorapid (worked well for 20+ years) but needed ultrafast for looping.

On 6mm cannulas:
Tried Fiasp - painful (or at least really irritating) then I got resistance.
Lyumjev - really uncomfortable and stopped working(reistance) after 6 weeks or so.
Swapped to a mix of Lyumjev and Fiasp - not advised but worked really well for 3-4 months, then resistance again.

Then 9mm cannula:
Lyumjev - worked perfectly for 6 months - then huge resistance
Fiasp - now working really well but need to change infusion sites regularly to ensure recovery time to avoid resistance.

Its a swine to get right - but now found a solution for me (at least).

Hope you find one for you too (give a 9mm cannula a go and see if that helps maybe)
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