Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions

Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Negativity, spiders, fake people, lies, racism, sexism
- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?

- How old are you?
41 years young

- Are you male or female?

- Which country are you from?
Portugal Lisbon

- Which city/area do you live in?
Devon UK

- Are you religious?
I believe in the Universe and we are all energy

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Funny, kind and positive

- Do you have any pets?
Had a pet dog called Jolly, but since pass way last month not thinking of getting another pet.

- Microsoft or Apple?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
I don't know if it classifies as a sport I love swimming and I practice yoga regularly ‍

- Do you get angry easily?
Only when I witness someone being treated unfairly .

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Yes to many to count

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
P!nk, Dom Omar, Pitbull, Rag'a'Bone, AC-DC it depends os the mood really

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
Don't have a favorite love too many depending of mood

- What is your favourite flag?
Don't t have one

- Ever gone camping?

- Ever been in love?
I think so

- Ever used fake tan?
No I like everything el natural

- Which countries have you visited?
Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, England.

- Favourite city?
Sintra Portugal

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Slow Horses, Tracker, Dr House, Bones, NCIS, Games of Thrones

- List your five favourite films.
Dirty Dancing, The Secret, Interview with the Vampire, Harry Potter, Dr Strange

- Are you wealthy?
Yes in love, friendship, happiness, joy

- Do you work?
If so, as what? Yes I'm a mental health support worker

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Mental health, autism, counselling, etc

- What do you like most about yourself?
I'm a happy, funny and loving human being

- What do you like least about yourself?
Sometimes I get frustrated and upset with things I cannot control or change.
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi, my first Forum, had to happen one day.

I have just turned 74 and have Type 1 diabetes since 1995. First flagged for Type 2 in in February of 95 and started Gliciazide two months later. Started insulin the following August. Came out of the blue except for the sudden weight loss and looking back the telltale signs. Soon after being stabilized on insulin I had a couple of Laser treatment sessions for diabetic retinopathy. Subsequently I have had the lenses in both eyes replaced due to cataracts. I have also had Charcot’s foot which resulted in a sort of dropped arch in my right foot. Other than that all is fine the NHS keep an eye on me. I go to the Gym, walk as much as possible and watch my glucose levels closely, as you can appreciate.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
- List your five favourite films.
Again, recent watched this year favourites (can’t narrow down the full films of the past 60 years to five!)

The six triple eight
A quiet Place day 1
Rebel Moon part 1
Rebel moon part 2
You had me till Rebel Moon, seriously? :blackeye: - However, what can I say; I did watch both myself, though I had to go back and re-watch Seven Samurai as a bit of a penance...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I a 66-year-old female diagnosed with type 2 a couple of years ago. My hba1c at the time was 96 so they put me on 2g Metformin a day for a year. I had never had any symptoms but was a little overweight. I lost weight improved my diet and the hba1c dropped to 44. I remained on 1g metformin a day at my request as I hoped it would enable me to be less restrictive with my diet I also have osteoarthritis and over the past couple of years felt this was getting considerably worse but an osteopath suggested I check the side effects of metformin and sure enough muscle fatigue and aching is one of them. I came across this forum trying to research a bit more about that so here I am. It's nice to find somewhere where there are discussions about the various options rather than just the standard medical response of taking a tablet for everything and **** the consequences.

Pipe Butcher

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Include a photo here if you wish to.
Things are scary enough without that!

- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Usually Happy go lucky, cheeky and hyperactive
- Do you have any pets?
2 dogs 1 cat and a Chinchilla
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
None ,go hiking
- Do you get angry easily?
I do now, never used to
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
Rammstein, Iron Maiden, AC/DC. Metal/ Heavy Rock
- What is your favourite flag?
Union Jack
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
Yes and She's still here
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
Worked for Government and the UN so just about all of them including Antarctica. One I have missed is Australia
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Morse, Lewis, Star Trek most series, Lord of the rings. Any fantasy stuff to leave the real world behind for a while.
- List your five favourite films.
Matrix series, Hobbit/ Lord of the rings series
Harry Potter series, Transformers series, The Longest Day.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
Plumber, Welder etc

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Metallurgy, Fluid dynamics, Jet engines/Turbines,Combustion, Welding and Plumbing.

- What do you like most about yourself?
I'm pretty good at teaching stuff to younglings
- What do you like least about yourself?
The vile temper that has appeared in the past month.
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Reactions: Melgar and Antje77


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? RKRao
- How old are you? 70 years
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? I am a British Indian.
- Which city/area do you live in? I live in Cambridge Cambs
- Are you religious? I am spiritual.
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Cheerful, Keen to learn and Keen to make the world a better place.
- Do you have any pets? No
- Microsoft or Apple? Apple
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Badminton
- Do you get angry easily? I am a cool cucumber.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? No
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Beatles, Kulashaker
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Classical Indian and Bollywood
- What is your favourite flag? White
- Ever gone camping? Once
- Ever been in love? My wife is my first and last love.
- Ever used fake tan? Never
- Which countries have you visited? USA, France, Italy, Ireland, Republic of South Africa, Mexico, UAE.
- Favourite city? Thiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu India.
- List your five favourite TV programmes. BBC News24, Pointless, Grand Designs, David Attenborough, Master Mind.
- List your five favourite films. Gandhi, Ben Hur, Sound of Music, Lava Kusa, Sampoorna Ramayanam,
- Are you wealthy? I am contented.
- Do you work? If so, as what? House parent.
- List the subjects you study/have studied. MBBS, MD, DA, DA (London) FFARCS (I)
- What do you like most about yourself? To be alive and enjoying life.
- What do you like least about yourself? Still trying to find.

Have fun!

This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? RKRAO
- How old are you? 70 YEARS
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? UK
- Which city/area do you live in? Cambridge Cambs
- Are you religious? Spiritual
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Cheerful, Learner, Love to make the world better.
- Do you have any pets? No
- Microsoft or Apple? Apple
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Badminton
- Do you get angry easily? Cool as a cucumber.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Beatles, Kulashaker, Queens, Madonna, Michael Jackson,
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Indian classical and Bollywood.
- What is your favourite flag? Universal
- Ever gone camping? Yes once.
- Ever been in love? My wife is my first and last love.
- Ever used fake tan? Never.
- Which countries have you visited? USA, RSA, UAE, France, Italy, Republic of Ireland. Mexico
- Favourite city? Hyderabad India.
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Pointless, Master Mind, Grand Designs David Attenborough, Michael Portillo (Trains)
- List your five favourite films. Gandhi, Sound Of Music, Ben Hur, Man Who Knew Infinity, Pretty Woman, Evita
- Are you wealthy? Contented.
- Do you work? If so, as what? Home maker.
- List the subjects you study/have studied. MBBS, DA, DA, MD (Anaesthetics), FFARCS (I)
- What do you like most about yourself? To be alive
- What do you like least about yourself? Still trying to figure out.

Have fun!
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Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
United Kingdom, England
- Which city/area do you live in?
North West, currently in Crewe, from Stockport/Manchester originally!
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Curious, Creative, Knowledge-Lover
- Do you have any pets?
Yes, two dogs and a terrapin.
- Microsoft or Apple?
Can I say both? :D
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
I love archery and fencing, but haven't done them in a while!
- Do you get angry easily?
Angry no, frustrated yes.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Yes - ears pierced, one tattoo on my arm and one on my foot.
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Currently... EPIC: The Musical (Jorge Rivera-Herrans), Shinedown, Daughtry, Taylor Swift and Critical Role
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
I like a wide variety, from rock to pop.
- What is your favourite flag?
Ooh I have never thought about this! Not too sure.
- Ever gone camping?
Yes - I love it
- Ever been in love?
Yes, recently got engaged after 11 years.
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
America, France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Italy
- Favourite city?
I loved visiting San Francisco
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Currently...The Legend of Vox Machina, Avatar: The last Airbender, Grey's Anatomy, Arcane, House
- List your five favourite films.
Currently...Star Wars, How to Train Your Dragon, The Matrix, Blade, The Wild Robot
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
Yes, currently administrative
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Animation at Masters Level, Film Studies, Biology, English, Psychology at A Level
- What do you like most about yourself?
I am a curious and empathetic person, I strive to be kind and welcoming, and fun.
- What do you like least about yourself?
I have a few neurodevelopmental conditions that mean I can be easily taken advantage of/made fun of, they hinder me in ways I can't 'fix'


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Dieser Thread wird uns hoffentlich dabei helfen, uns gegenseitig besser kennenzulernen und zu sehen, mit welchen Benutzern wir Gemeinsamkeiten haben. Ich habe unten eine Reihe von Fragen aufgelistet, die Sie beantworten können, um uns mehr über sich selbst zu erzählen. Sie müssen auf keinen Fall alle beantworten und wenn Sie weitere Informationen hinzufügen möchten, können Sie das gerne tun.

- Fügen Sie hier ein Foto ein, wenn Sie möchten.
- Wie heißt du?
- Wie alt bist du?
- Sind Sie männlich oder weiblich?
- Aus welchem Land kommen Sie?
- In welcher Stadt/Gegend wohnen Sie?
- Sind Sie religiös?
- Wählen Sie drei Wörter, um Ihre Persönlichkeit zu beschreiben.
- Hast du Haustiere?
- Microsoft oder Apple?
- Welche Sportart(en) (falls überhaupt) mögen/spielen Sie?
- Werden Sie schnell wütend?
- Hast du Tattoos oder Piercings? Wenn ja, wo?
- Listen Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsmusiker/-bands auf.
- Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach Ihr Lieblingsmusikgenre?
- Was ist Ihre Lieblingsflagge?
- Waren Sie schon einmal zelten?
- Waren Sie schon einmal verliebt?
- Schon mal Selbstbräuner verwendet?
- Welche Länder haben Sie besucht?
- Lieblingsstadt?
- Listen Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsfernsehsendungen auf.
- Listen Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsfilme auf.
- Sind Sie reich?
- Arbeiten Sie? Wenn ja, als was?
- Listen Sie die Fächer auf, die Sie studieren/studiert haben.
- Was mögen Sie an sich selbst am meisten?
- Was mögen Sie an sich selbst am wenigsten?

Viel Spaß!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Reinhard Sauder
75 Jahre
Gemütlich, politisch interessiert, emphatisch
Wintersport, Leichtathletik
Manchmal, bei merkwürdigen Politikern
Keine Tattoos, nicht einmal einen Punkt
Beatles, Rolling Stones, Eagles, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, Tom Jones,
Nach Stimmungslage alles, und nach Angebot

In der Jugend war ich oft Zelten
Als Jugendlicher war ich ständig verliebt
Kein Selbstbräuner, bin sehr braun geworden
Ich bin Rentner
Ich halte mich für objektiv
Bin manchmal zu gutmütig

Dieser Thread wird uns hoffentlich dabei helfen, uns gegenseitig besser kennenzulernen und zu sehen, mit welchen Benutzern wir Gemeinsamkeiten haben. Ich habe unten eine Reihe von Fragen aufgelistet, die Sie beantworten können, um uns mehr über sich selbst zu erzählen. Sie müssen auf keinen Fall alle beantworten und wenn Sie weitere Informationen hinzufügen möchten, können Sie das gerne tun.

- Fügen Sie hier ein Foto ein, wenn Sie möchten.
- Wie heißt du?
- Wie alt bist du?
- Sind Sie männlich oder weiblich?
- Aus welchem Land kommen Sie?
- In welcher Stadt/Gegend wohnen Sie?
- Sind Sie religiös?
- Wählen Sie drei Wörter, um Ihre Persönlichkeit zu beschreiben.
- Haben Sie Haustiere?
- Microsoft oder Apple?
- Welche Sportart(en) (falls überhaupt) mögen/spielen Sie?
- Werden Sie schnell wütend?
- Hast du Tattoos oder Piercings? Wenn ja, wo?
- Hören Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsmusiker/-bands auf.
- Was ist Ihre Meinung nach Ihrem Lieblingsmusikgenre?
- Was ist Ihre Lieblingsflagge?
- Waren Sie schon einmal zelten?
- Waren Sie schon einmal verliebt?
- Schon mal Selbstbräuner verwendet?
- Welche Länder haben Sie besucht?
- Lieblingsstadt?
- Hören Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsfernsehsendungen auf.
- Hören Sie Ihre fünf Lieblingsfilme auf.
- Sind Sie reich?
- Arbeiten Sie? Wenn ja, als was?
- Hören Sie die Fächer auf, die Sie studieren/studiert haben.
- Was mögen Sie an sich selbst am meisten?
- Was mochten Sie an sich selbst am wenigsten?

Viel Spaß!
  • Like
Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
- - What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Red Hot Chili Peppers
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- Favourite city?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
Yes. Lecturer/business owner
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Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all!

Very new here (as in I literally signed up 10 minutes or so ago) and have already posted elsewhere... and then found this.

Anyway.. my intro

Diabetes Forum • The Global Diabetes Community
Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions
Thread starterGiverny Start DateJul 25, 2012
Hi kh89 and welcome to the forum. Please do not post any links until you have more than 3 posts, as it will be automatically marked as spam by our system.
kh89, we'd love to know what you think about the forum! Take the Diabetes Forum Survey 2024 »
Greetings and Introductions
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Admin Administrator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Dishonest people, pessimism, spiders, mushrooms.
Jul 25, 2012
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This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- What is your name?

- How old are you?

35 (very nearly 36 (and feeling it!))

- Are you male or female?

I am male

- Which country are you from?

- Which city/area do you live in?

Berkshire (about 30 minutes from London)

- Are you religious?


- Pick three words to describe your personality.

Empathetic, Chatty, Trustworthy

- Do you have any pets?

No :(

- Microsoft or Apple?


- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?

I dont play any, but massive football (or soccer for any of our North American friends) and Formula One fan. Also watch Rugby, American Football, Cricket.

- Do you get angry easily?

No - unless I'm driving

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?


- List your five favourite musicians/bands.

Alterbridge, Guns N Roses, Metallica, ACDC and Dire Straits

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?

I think given my answer above its very obvious haha, but definitely Rock/Metal. Also big fan of musicals.

- What is your favourite flag?

Union Jack of course
- Ever gone camping?

Yes- Ever been in love?

Too many times

- Ever used fake tan?
Yes. I was in a production of South Pacific and was an Island Child. Not really a look for me

- Which countries have you visited?
Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic (or Czechia) and Gibraltar. Will be visiting Sweden this year.

- Favourite city?

Oooof. Berlin. So far.

- List your five favourite TV programmes.

Parks and Rec, The Office, Brooklyn 99, Big Bang Theory and Friends

- List your five favourite films.

Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, Any Marvel film, Shawshank Redemption, Die Hard

- Are you wealthy?
Hell no.

- Do you work? If so, as what?
I an an account manger

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Just subjects at school. No college or Uni for me!

- What do you like most about yourself?

My ability to make people laugh

- What do you like least about yourself?
Most things, but my weight mainly.
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Reactions: Antje77

Deleted member 595336

This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? Jamrox10
- How old are you? 59
- Are you male or female? Female
- Which country are you from? Scotland
- Which city/area do you live in? Ayrshire
- Are you religious? Not really
- Pick three words to describe your personality.Caring , Helpful , Resourceful
- Do you have any pets? No
- Microsoft or Apple? Don't Care
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Walking and Aquatrim
- Do you get angry easily? Not really
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Ears
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Can't choose

- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Anything
- What is your favourite flag? Saltire
- Ever gone camping? No thanks
- Ever been in love? Yes
- Ever used fake tan? Years ago
- Which countries have you visited? Iceland , Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece , Portugal, America, Croatia.
- Favourite city? Malaga
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Changes from time to time.
- List your five favourite films. Changes from time to time.
- Are you wealthy? I wish
- Do you work? If so, as what? Early retired.
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Mainly health related
- What do you like most about yourself? That I'm reliable and care about others.
- What do you like least about yourself? I get uptight with new tech even though I know I can get to grips if I stop panicking

Have fun!
  • Like
Reactions: Antje77


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
I was trying to remember some names from when I used to post!
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Reactions: Antje77 and Pipp


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? You can all call me by my middle Name Radford

- How old are you? 28

- Are you male or female? Male

- Which country are you from? USA

- Which city/area do you live in? Bay Area

- Are you religious? Agnostic (Could be something or not )

- Pick three words to describe your personality. hard working happy and cool

- Do you have any pets? Dog

- Microsoft or Apple? Both

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? I like Soccer and Baseball

- Do you get angry easily? Sometimes

I have Type 1 Diabetes and have had it since December 14th 2024 Had a nasty DKA attack which landed me in the hospital until December 19th

I know got this horrible insidious disease late... But its genetic I think its happened to some other members in my family futhur away (Generations)
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Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
- What is your name?

- How old are you?

- Are you male or female?

- Which country are you from?
South Africa

- Which city/area do you live in?
Port Elizabeth and Cape Town

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Positive, Optimist, Happy

- Do you have any pets?
Yes - 3 x Dogs

- Microsoft or Apple?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Cycle, gym, hiking and walking my dogs

- Do you get angry easily?

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
No... not yet... :)

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Yazoo, Depeche Mode, U2, Bob Marley

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?

- Ever gone camping?

- Ever been in love?

- Ever used fake tan?

- Which countries have you visited?
France, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Greece

- Favourite city?
Cape Town

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Blacklist, Yellowstone, Suits

- Are you wealthy?
Yes, I have a great life! :)

- Do you work? If so, as what?
Yes, I own my own company - IT

- List the subjects you study/have studied.

- What do you like most about yourself?
Eternal optimist

- What do you like least about yourself?
Trust too easily, get excited to quickly and live in fight or flight mode.
  • Like
Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
I'm Jim a 75 yr old guy.
Born in UK. Lived in Southern Africa for 30 years and returned in 2003.
Living near Derby. Christian optimistic technologist.
No pets currently as they can't run around freely in uk. Microsoft. Mozart, Rodriguez, led zeppelin, Johhny Clegg, Oliver Mutakudzi, Verde, Beatles , Dylan, Leonard Cohen. I like most music that can be written , read and played . I don't consider rap or grunge etc as music.
Cycling, motorcycling, rugged Hill walks.
The good old Union Jack is still a symbol of positivity albeit slightly tarnished in my view. Camped in game parks and magnificent scenery under African stars. I've certainly been in love. Only enjoyed real tan although my skins taken a batttering.
Visited Zimbabwe Malawi Zambia Botswana Lesoto Mozambique, Germany Austria Italy Switzerland Spain Portugal Turkey Malta Holland Belgium France Luxembourg USA Canada s Korea Indonesia Hong Kong crete Greece Corfu Ireland. Favorite city...Cape Town
Definitely NOT wealthy..had to stop work earlier than planned at 75 with cancer and type 1 as of 2 days ago. Wood Technologist.
I like my varied interests.
I sometimes don't like my inability to see the other persons point of view. But I'm mellowing.
I'm desperate to gain info on managing type 1 diabetes which having been very active I find extremely disturbing
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I'm desperate to gain info on managing type 1 diabetes which having been very active I find extremely disturbing
Welcome, and by all means post a thread with your questions!
Two days is very new to this game, but we have T1's doing all sorts of active stuff varying from running to diving, or myself doing open water swimming all year, and we found ways to manage our T1 while enjoying the things we love!

Here's a decent start: