Livlife Low Carb Bread Discontinued


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I have contacted Waitrose and then written to their customer service team Asking the question as to why it is unavailable . Also explaining why it is important to to have a supply.
[email protected]
Lets see what the reply is ?
Thank you! The more of us do this the better I think. I finally got a response from them today saying it was the supplier who stopped production, but my mum (also Type 1 and a LivLife user) already spoke to the supplier, who confirmed that the reason they had stopped production was BECAUSE Waitrose cancelled their order (and obviously they are the only stockist). So we are dealing with liars unfortunately....
I have responded to them with this info, so I will see what they come back with
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Well done @Pinoy Pedaler, what a shame and surprising as you had to get to my waitrose early to get some. It was often sold out.
Same, I had to always call first thing to get it put aside as it always sells out. Main constraint to their sales numbers was that they only used to get it in in small quantities to a handful of bigger branches. It was never left unsold, so why they are citing low sales as a reason to delist is beyond me. The more of us that contact Waitrose to complain, the best chance I think we have of bringing it back
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I suspect in the big scheme of things the sales on this product were probably very small and this would make it not worth Waitrose stocking. It’s annoying and a shame when something we rely on disappears.

When I was diagnosed 14 years ago there was nothing to replace carb based products such as bread, pasta cakes etc. there is now quite a few small companies on line that we can get anything from bread to pasta to pizza bases to cakes. It’s still a pretty niche market so that purchase power is getting spread thinner all the time
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Really gutted that it's been discontinued (for whatever reason). It's been part of my daily diet and as a type 2, the idea that I could make a sandwich and not worry about the carbs has been fantastic.

Last year, there was a 2 week disruption in supply, but the difference between then and this time is that when I went over to Waitrose the other day, even the shelf label had disappeared. So I guessed that something was up.

What I don't quite get is why LivLife have only been selling through Waitrose. I don't buy that 'low sales' is the reason for discontinuing the product. At my Waitrose store it would sell out before midday. I also think that Waitrose mis marketed the product. It should have been marketed as a low carb bread. The shelf label had it as a multi-grain. That's not good enough. Low carb would have been much better. We diabetics who seek to control our condition, and there are MANY of us would have made sure that the demand was (and is ) there.


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Really gutted that it's been discontinued (for whatever reason). It's been part of my daily diet and as a type 2, the idea that I could make a sandwich and not worry about the carbs has been fantastic.

Last year, there was a 2 week disruption in supply, but the difference between then and this time is that when I went over to Waitrose the other day, even the shelf label had disappeared. So I guessed that something was up.

What I don't quite get is why LivLife have only been selling through Waitrose. I don't buy that 'low sales' is the reason for discontinuing the product. At my Waitrose store it would sell out before midday. I also think that Waitrose mis marketed the product. It should have been marketed as a low carb bread. The shelf label had it as a multi-grain. That's not good enough. Low carb would have been much better. We diabetics who seek to control our condition, and there are MANY of us would have made sure that the demand was (and is ) there.
Have you tried writing to Waitrose Customer Services at their Head Office?


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Just spoken to Livlife office in Salisbury and I was told they have stopped production due to low sales. But was also told that it will depend on Waitrose if they can come back on sale in Waitrose.
Sad, as Livelife has been my bread for the past 7 years.
When I used to eat it I could order direct from the company if Waitrose out of stock.


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Have you tried writing to Waitrose Customer Services at their Head Office?

As soon as I finished posting the above, I wrote to Waitrose, received an automated reply, confirming my email and assigning it a case number. I am now waiting their reply.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi All
I've just discovered Waitrose have delisted Livlife bread - the only supermarket that sells it. I'm sure many of you who regularly buy it know it's the best (and frankly the only) decent low carb bread available in main supermarkets.
I totally rely on it to keep my carbs in check, and whenever I go to buy it it's usually sold out (I have to get loaves put aside for me first thin in the morning if I'm not going to get to a store before midday!). So it can't be because it's not selling... it's clearly incredibly popular, I imagine largely with us diabetics!
I've been trying to contact them to get a reason, but am waiting for a response from their customer services. My mum (also Type 1 and a Livlife convert) spoke to the supplier, who said Waitrose have cancelled their supply contract, and as they were the only supermarket they were supplying with it, they have now ceased production.
I honestly am going to really struggle without it, and I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same.
I think our best hope is to all contact Waitrose customer services and register complaints, ad hopefully this will encourage them to reverse their decision. We need to try to make them understand how important specialist products like this are to communities like ours...
So please, if anyone else who buys Livlife is going to miss it, let's try to knock some sense into the Waitrose buying team! Thanks xx
I've been using Hovis Nimble (wholemeal) for years now and it works for me. (I've been a type 1 for 53 years). Smaller slices but tasty bread. Give it a try.


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I've been using Hovis Nimble (wholemeal) for years now and it works for me. (I've been a type 1 for 53 years). Smaller slices but tasty bread. Give it a try.
Most of our members who use Livlife are T2 diet controlled and strictly limit their carbs - the hovis may be too high in carbs for many of the diet only T2 - do you know the carb content for one slice? - it may be helpful for those looking for an alternative to have that information :)
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Most of our members who use Livlife are T2 diet controlled and strictly limit their carbs - the hovis may be too high in carbs for many of the diet only T2 - do you know the carb content for one slice? - it may be helpful for those looking for an alternative to have that information :)
Looks like it's 8ish grams per slice, much more than LivLife's 3.7g :( I'm type 1 but also find I have to heavily limit my carbs in order to control my blood sugars as best as possible. The Nimble looks better than regular bread, for me I think it will still be too much sadly.
I've had Waitrose come back to me blaming the supplier for ceasing production, but the supplier said it was Waitrose that cancelled their orders. Either way, we need to bash their heads together to try and get them to see some sense. As someone else commented, there are so many diabetics and the LivLife was perpetually sold out by around midday, so lack of demand was definitely not the problem
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Type of diabetes
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Really gutted that it's been discontinued (for whatever reason). It's been part of my daily diet and as a type 2, the idea that I could make a sandwich and not worry about the carbs has been fantastic.

Last year, there was a 2 week disruption in supply, but the difference between then and this time is that when I went over to Waitrose the other day, even the shelf label had disappeared. So I guessed that something was up.

What I don't quite get is why LivLife have only been selling through Waitrose. I don't buy that 'low sales' is the reason for discontinuing the product. At my Waitrose store it would sell out before midday. I also think that Waitrose mis marketed the product. It should have been marketed as a low carb bread. The shelf label had it as a multi-grain. That's not good enough. Low carb would have been much better. We diabetics who seek to control our condition, and there are MANY of us would have made sure that the demand was (and is ) there.
I've had Waitrose come back to me blaming the supplier for ceasing production, but the supplier said it was Waitrose that cancelled their orders. Either way, we need to bash their heads together to try and get them to see some sense. As you say, there are so many diabetics and the LivLife was perpetually sold out by around midday, so lack of demand was definitely not the problem!


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Type 1
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As soon as I finished posting the above, I wrote to Waitrose, received an automated reply, confirming my email and assigning it a case number. I am now waiting their reply.
I've had a response saying the supplier ceased production, but when speaking to the supplier they said it was Waitrose who cancelled the order. I'm trying to go back & forth with both to try and get to the bottom of it, so I can understand who it is we need to be convincing to reverse the decision. Meantime, I am starving at breakfast time :(
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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.


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I've had a response saying the supplier ceased production, but when speaking to the supplier they said it was Waitrose who cancelled the order. I'm trying to go back & forth with both to try and get to the bottom of it, so I can understand who it is we need to be convincing to reverse the decision. Meantime, I am starving at breakfast time :(
Hi there.
I got a reply from Waitrose -- as follows:

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting Waitrose Customer Care.

I do appreciate the information you have provided me with .

I had a look into this matter and I can see the product has been discontinued. The supplier is no longer supplying this product.

Once again, I'm sorry for any trouble caused.

Case Number: 16979912

Kind regards

Customer Experience Partner
Customer Care
Waitrose & Partners
0800 188 881
Mon-Fri 8am-10pm Sat 8am-9pm Sun 9am-9pm

I'm now going to get in touch with LivLife. and try and get a written response to the effect that it is Waitrose who has discontinued selling LivLife (which is what they told you when you spoke to them). If I get that, I'm going to get back to Waitrose. Thanks
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I do not have diabetes
Waitrose press office has told me it is the supplier who has delisted the product so its affecting other suppliers. Although that begs the question whether Waitrose cancelling made them think it wasnt worth producing it any more although that would be odd as there are plenty of alternatives.
Type of diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
Just spoken to Livlife office in Salisbury and I was told they have stopped production due to low sales. But was also told that it will depend on Waitrose if they can come back on sale in Waitrose.
Sad, as Livelife has been my bread for the past 7 years.
How did you get in touch with them? Ive bene going round in circles via an unresponsive company called Nichlas and Harris. Can you point me in the right direction?

Pinoy Pedaler

Type of diabetes
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Diet only
At the moment, I have been eating this. From Holland and Barret. On sale at 3.74 from 4.99 250g. Taste is ok. But Livlife better in taste n texture.


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