I'm new to this forum and was wondering if anyone can help with regards to their experiences of using the Medtrum Nano Patch pump yet? My daughter has tried the Omnipod but unfortunately she mounts an auto-immune reaction to the teflon cannula, so our DSN has suggested the Medtrum as an option, as it has a metal cannula instead, which should reduce the risk of allergic reaction.
We like the idea of using a mobile phone to control the pump, as this makes it more discreet (daughter is 12 and going through a very awkward stage), the pods hold the same amount of insulin as the Omnipod and you can set temporary basal rates (good for sport), which you aren't able to do with the Omnipod.
Is anyone able to share their experiences, both good and bad, of using this system, as we don't want to have another pump disaster if we can help it. I know this might be a shot in the dark, as the system is relatively new to the UK market, and Omnipod seem to have cornered the patch pump market over here, so there may be very few, if any, users, who are able to help. Anyway, here's hoping...
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me with this.