@Snugglebugglewoowoo (Lovely handle!)
Sorry about the diagnosis, but it does clarify why you've been having problems with a break and subsequent healing. High blood glucose messes up the healing process. Also, you're not mentioning how the units are measured for the vitamin D, but if it's the same as in the Netherlands, you're quite deficient and will be prescribed supplements, I assume? Vitamin D deficiency can cause all sorts of problems with your bones, (from bone pain to breaks to osteomalacia). Ever heard of Rickets? That's a bone deformity caused by Vitamin D deficiency. Just to illustrate how important that little vitamin is. Usually people underestimate the impact of being low in a vitamin, but it's something to really take seriously. You got quite the double whammey, but both can be handled, which is the good news. Knowing what the problem is brings you halfway to the solution!
I'm assuming you'll be on supplements to get your units of D up, and if it helps any, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines etc) and eggs are good for keeping your D up when you're back on par, AND those won't up your blood sugars.
You're getting help now, someone's actually investigated why you're still aching so much. I know a diagnosis of diabetes is traumatic, but... You know what's wrong now. That helps. It's the starting point to getting better. And hopefully, avoiding more breaks in the future with the D discovery!
Any questons, toss them out there, it's what we're here for. If we have answers, we'll share 'em.
Good luck!