New insulin regime, Novopen 6 querie


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Hi all,

Just been changed from Humulin M3 to Basal Bolus regime. (Tresiba and Trurapi)

It's been "a right **** up" by the DN at the hospital clinic all week.

I've had to call every other day for more info and clarification as the nurse rushed me through my appt because she was running late!

She sent script to my surgery.

Anyway, got a text from Boots today to say my script was in so I called this afternoon to collect.

Shocked to find my Trurapi came in filled pens but my Tresiba was in cartridges! The pharmacist said "put them in your pen", to which I asked "what pen?". A long conversation commenced where I made it clear I don't have a pen as my Humulin M3 came in pre- filled pens.

So basically the DN didn't put a pen on the script. I couldn't get through to the DN as clinic closed for the weekend, so I rang my surgery. Luckily the receptionist was also part of the prescribing team. She looked up my notes and said the cartridges were requested because the pre-filled pens for Tresiba are in short supply. OK.

Luckily she was able to put a script through for a Novo 6 pen and put it on my repeats. Hopefully I'll get it by Weds.

Firstly, is it difficult to work out how to put the cartridges in for a novice? I'm cross I wasn't shown this, or had it explained at the clinic. Pharmacist said she should have given me a pen.

Secondly, it's a "smart pen" I'm hoping that doesn't get complicated! I'm no luddite but......

Finally, should I be able to request a spare pen? Just thinking what if something happens to the only one I have?

Looked on-line, they're at least £40 to buy!

I'm feeling a bit upset about the lack of explanation by the DN, I've already had to question her as the Dietician contradicted her dosages straight after I saw her! Luckily I sorted that out, but I'm not brimming with confidence now, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Also had my throat operation for next Thurs postponed as I'm 2lbs over the bmi, which they never gave me in the first place, despite already having lost a stone! So it's been a bad week all round! lol.

I'm hoping my prescribed pens, Gluco rx fine point size 6 will fit?

Hoping someone can reassure me.

Thanks, Chris


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If you search you tube you should find some videos to show you how to insert the cartridge into your pen. Just be warned that not all cartridges fit all pens, so I hope yours match! The first batch of cartridges dispensed to me by my pharmacy were the wrong ones but luckily I had taken the brand new pen to my diabetic nurse so she could show me how to fit the cartridges… except they didn’t! But if it had been me doing it I would have thought I was doing something wrong.
The smart pens ‘remember’ the last dose you dispensed so you can see when and how much insulin you injected and they should also interact with your CGM app, if you are using one.
They last for about a year, but should still be able to dispense the insulin, just when the battery in them dies you will not be able to read the last dose.


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Firstly, is it difficult to work out how to put the cartridges in for a novice?
Very, very easy.
The two halves of the pen simply screw apart, you throw in the penfill and put the pen back together until it clicks.
Picture of pen and penfill with the plunger halfway down because I'm halfway through a cartridge but wanted to show you how simple it looks.
When starting a new cartridge, dial up a couple of units and shoot in the air until insulin comes out.


Secondly, it's a "smart pen" I'm hoping that doesn't get complicated! I'm no luddite but......
Yes, the Novopen6 is a smart pen. But there is no need at all to use its smart functions, it simply means you can link it to your phone if you want to. No matter if you do or don't, dialling up your dose and injecting is exactly the same as with your old pen.
I use a Novopen 5, no smart functions but I love the little display at the top telling me when I last dosed. Very useful if you often find yourself wondering if you already injected or not. Your pen should have the same. :)
Finally, should I be able to request a spare pen? Just thinking what if something happens to the only one I have?
Yes, please do request a spare!
I'm hoping my prescribed pens, Gluco rx fine point size 6 will fit?
Yes they will, no problem!

You'll be fine dealing with the pens. And you'll learn how to dose with your new insulins, although this will take a while, in the end it should give you much more freedom and flexibility. :)
Just be warned that not all cartridges fit all pens, so I hope yours match!
Novopen 6 goes with Tresiba penfills, they're both made by NovoNordisk so no worries there. ;)
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If you search you tube you should find some videos to show you how to insert the cartridge into your pen. Just be warned that not all cartridges fit all pens, so I hope yours match! The first batch of cartridges dispensed to me by my pharmacy were the wrong ones but luckily I had taken the brand new pen to my diabetic nurse so she could show me how to fit the cartridges… except they didn’t! But if it had been me doing it I would have thought I was doing something wrong.
The smart pens ‘remember’ the last dose you dispensed so you can see when and how much insulin you injected and they should also interact with your CGM app, if you are using one.
They last for about a year, but should still be able to dispense the insulin, just when the battery in them dies you will not be able to read the last dose.
Thankyou very much.


Well-Known Member
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Spicy food, 2 faced people.
Very, very easy.
The two halves of the pen simply screw apart, you throw in the penfill and put the pen back together until it clicks.
Picture of pen and penfill with the plunger halfway down because I'm halfway through a cartridge but wanted to show you how simple it looks.
When starting a new cartridge, dial up a couple of units and shoot in the air until insulin comes out.

View attachment 71315

Yes, the Novopen6 is a smart pen. But there is no need at all to use its smart functions, it simply means you can link it to your phone if you want to. No matter if you do or don't, dialling up your dose and injecting is exactly the same as with your old pen.
I use a Novopen 5, no smart functions but I love the little display at the top telling me when I last dosed. Very useful if you often find yourself wondering if you already injected or not. Your pen should have the same. :)

Yes, please do request a spare!

Yes they will, no problem!

You'll be fine dealing with the pens. And you'll learn how to dose with your new insulins, although this will take a while, in the end it should give you much more freedom and flexibility. :)

Novopen 6 goes with Tresiba penfills, they're both made by NovoNordisk so no worries there. ;)
Hello again.

Thanks for that, I feel better now. I'll ask for a spare and am looking forward to the change, welll, at the mo lol.
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