Anybody not testing before getting behind a driving wheel is putting your and other lives at risk... Its a no brainer.
Making up tests? Are you mad? Why cant you just test.
I almost lost my licence, because I had done a test before I got into car, went for 50 min walk with my dogs and got back in to drive home. I thought I was safe as dvla said to test every 2 hours whilst driving. I went hypo, i pulled over and treated myself... And many, many people here went through a lot of **** here with me thinking I was going to lose my licence. Mine wasnt poking my fingers up to the world and being a naughty diabetic.... I thought as less than 2 hrs I could get back into car. I was lucky, very lucky, i recognise hypo's, I stopped and treated...
You are just being bloody minded by all accounts because you cant be bothered to test.
Yes, hospitals and gp's can and do ask to look at meters, pumps, and record books..
It states quite clearly what you are expected to do, and yes, hcp's can review all equipment.
I really cant understand your postings on being a naughty diabetic, or this one on driving and testing. I think it is about time you looked at some postings here on how much some people do care about their diabetes...