Hi folks,
Hope everyone is well and good here...It's been a while since I posted as things have been OK-ish however over the past 6 months I'm having a few issues that even my Endo team does not seem to be able to help with and pretty much at my wits end!!!!!
Here are the issues:-
Dawn phenomenon - This has gotten worst over the past 6 months and it can start anytime from 3-6am IF i stay in bed after 6am I am looking at levels of anywhere from 8-14. This morning I woke at 8am and it was 11. I have tried to increase my evening dose of Levemir but that leads to major overnight lows even if it's increased by 1 unit, I have also tried to take the Levemir later i used to take it at around 10pm but that was causing causing even bigger spikes so I am now taking at midnight. With all this going on a decent 8hrs sleep is virtually impossible some days
Evening dose of Levemir is 8u
Unexplained 4pm BG rise - Similar to above really after lunch which is usually around 1-2pm I get a dip in BGL and then a rise by itself between 4-6pm and the rise has no consistency it can go to 8ish or all the way 13/14 so it's hard to bolus for. My lunch time meals are about 70g C 20gF 60gP and this has not caused an issue in the past. Between 4 and 6 is also when I like to train so it's hard to quantify doses.
I usually take my Morning Levemir around 12pm which is 18u.
The above are causing major issue through the day as you can imagine, so any ideas or feedback would be great. See the graph beloiw for trends.
Hope everyone is well and good here...It's been a while since I posted as things have been OK-ish however over the past 6 months I'm having a few issues that even my Endo team does not seem to be able to help with and pretty much at my wits end!!!!!
Here are the issues:-
Dawn phenomenon - This has gotten worst over the past 6 months and it can start anytime from 3-6am IF i stay in bed after 6am I am looking at levels of anywhere from 8-14. This morning I woke at 8am and it was 11. I have tried to increase my evening dose of Levemir but that leads to major overnight lows even if it's increased by 1 unit, I have also tried to take the Levemir later i used to take it at around 10pm but that was causing causing even bigger spikes so I am now taking at midnight. With all this going on a decent 8hrs sleep is virtually impossible some days
Evening dose of Levemir is 8u
Unexplained 4pm BG rise - Similar to above really after lunch which is usually around 1-2pm I get a dip in BGL and then a rise by itself between 4-6pm and the rise has no consistency it can go to 8ish or all the way 13/14 so it's hard to bolus for. My lunch time meals are about 70g C 20gF 60gP and this has not caused an issue in the past. Between 4 and 6 is also when I like to train so it's hard to quantify doses.
I usually take my Morning Levemir around 12pm which is 18u.
The above are causing major issue through the day as you can imagine, so any ideas or feedback would be great. See the graph beloiw for trends.