Pregnant and bs spiking after every meal


Hello, I have found out I’m pregnant, only around 4 and a half weeks at the moment. Over the past week my sugar levels have been spiking at every meal time no matter how high/low carb I eat.
I have increased my Levemir quite a bit and just doesn’t seem to make much difference. Is this a normal part of the process?
Just so concerned about harming the pregnancy.

Thank You x
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Grumpy People
It's a long time since was pregnant but do remember the first trimester, maybe around 6 weeks blood sugars plummeted so kept having to reduce insulin. I think I was told it was linked to the placenta forming. After the first trimester insulin needs steadily increased until my babies births. You could ask your diabetes team. Congratulations!


Active Member
Hi, I am now 10 weeks pregnant and to start with I was having multiple hypos all day and night. I had to cut down my insulin intake a lot and that worked well for the last couple of weeks. I’m now finding I have the opposite problem. Like you I’m spiking after every meal no matter what I eat. I’m seriously considering a diet of cucumber and lettuce to stop these spikes. My doctor says I’m not eating enough as I only have 3 meals per day with no snacks and I need more snacks and carbs throughout the day he says, but I’m reluctant to eat carbs/snacks when I spike all the time and I’m so worried about the baby. I have tried injecting 30 mins before eating too and this just makes glucose lower before eating but doesn’t stop the spike after. My dietician has suggested for larger carb meals (80g carb or more) I should split the dose, taking half dose before I eat and then the rest an hour later, but I hardly ever eat 80g carbs in one sitting so this only really works if getting a takeaway pizza. Maybe worth trying that if you haven’t already?

I’m considering using the split dose method for much lower carbs to see what happens. I have a dietician appointment next week so hoping she will help me x


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I can't help with the insulin, but do eat protein and fat - they are essential body building foods and your body will sacrifice its own structure to supply the baby. Do ensure that the carbs you do eat are full of vitamins and minerals for similar reasons.