Put on weight


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I've put weight on this week (1.75 lbs) and I don't know why. My diet for the last week has been:

Breakfast - every day

1/2 small tin sardines in tomato sauce on 1 slice German rye bread with butter.
150 mls tomato juice with Worcester sauce.

Lunch - varies usually

Meat of some sort and either salad or green beans.
1 orange.


walnuts and/or 5 almonds and pumpkin seeds - small handful between them or small piece of cheese and a small apple or pear
1/2 banana


2 egg cheese omelette cooked in coconut oil

For drinks I have 2 or 3 large coffees with skimmed milk - no sweetener and fizzy water.

I'm 56 and post menopausal. I've got about 6 stone to lose

Could it be the bread?



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Yes it could be the bread. But equally ti coudl be anything, hormones, bowel movements, hydration, the weather...........

Our weight can vary by pounds for no apparant reason somethimes.


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Ailz, I wouldn't think you were eating enough to put on weight! You should maybe try for some additional low-carb veg. Let's hope Allyx555 sees your post and can give us a helpful comment.

I too am not losing weight as well as I think I should, and haven't lost an ounce over the last 2 weeks, despite being as good as gold. It is SO frustrating!

I doubt if it's the bread, and don't cut it out without replacing it with something. I'm about 10 years post-menopause, and I still have cycles, so maybe it's that. Maybe it's fluid retention - are you drinking plenty of water as well? That helps eliminate fluid (sounds daft, but true!). Maybe your body is just having a sorting-out phase. Maybe you're not eating enough - if you go into 'starvation mode' by eating too little, your body will hang on to everything you give it! :shock: Or maybe it's insulin resistance, which is what I'm blaming mine on :wink:

How are your bg readings? If those are reasonably under control, I'd try not to worry. I'm dieting for my diabetes at the moment, and the weight will surely follow. Please?

Help, Allyx!

Viv 8)


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My bg is usually between 5 & 6 so is wonderful. I keep on telling myself this is for my diabetes not weight loss, but, at 6 stone overweight it would be nice if I lost weight too. Since I started on this site I've lost nearly a stone and I do feel better for doing low carb - although it goes against everything I've been taught about healthy eating.

I'll keep on keeping on - though I've not had the bread today and a dish of pilchards is not very appetising :twisted: - don't think I'll do that again. :lol:




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My weight fluctuates from day to day (by 5lbs on some ocassions!) - that's why it's a GOOD idea to do what you're doing, only weighing once a week.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Your diet, and your BG looks great. This might just be a temporary "blip". If youd weighed a day later or a day earlier, you might have got a diffrent result again...

I know some people CAN handle Bananas - but they hit my BG pretty **** hard. Maybe you could try replacing your afternoon Banana with some Strawberries or Raspberries?

Viv's comment on water are spot on. We should all drink LOADS of the stuff. I definitely feel better on days when I've had 2+ litres


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Yes I think bananas are on the eat sparingly list of foods in Atkins. I was surprised to see that because I always thought they were so good a food. But as well as the potassium and the roughage they are high in carbs I guess. I’m sure that if you keep working at it Ailz your reading will be better by next week’s weigh in. Good luck


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If you've already lost nearly a stone, Ailz, your body may be just having a good 'think' about things before you start losing again.

I have as much to lose as you; apparently if we spend quite a bit of time overweight, our bodies get used to it and try to get back up there every chance they get :roll: I know mine does! I'm afraid we're in it for the long haul, but this time it's not just cosmetic, it's health and life & death. That's what I keep telling myself.

Onwards and downwards! You are not alone! :D

Viv 8)


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I've lost the 2 pounds I put on last week. It seems that I lose weight - say 2 lbs - the following week I put 1.75 pounds on - the following week I lose 2.5 lbs.

I suppose I'll get there in the end. I may take to weighing myself once a month - but I'm not sure I'd be able to cope :oops: .


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It's just fluctuations. You can weigh in the morning and the evening on the same day, and get different readings.

As long as the trend over time is downwards, you're doing alright!

(try it - weigh at different times through the day and see the difference. At weekends, my weight can change by 5lbs overnight!)


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Well done, Ailz! I too have lost a couple of pounds - got weighed on Monday before blood tests. 5 more pounds and I will no longer be morbidly obese - just obese! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have to keep a sense of humour, don't you? I'm only getting weighed about every 3 weeks now, because it's so dispiriting doing it weekly and finding you're still just the same. I try to keep it fixed in my mind that if I eat to keep my bg stable in the 5s (some 6s too!) then the weight will eventually start coming down too.

Keep at it! You can always PM me if you want a good moan :D

Viv 8)

Sid Bonkers

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Agree with all above Ailz, and Patch took the words out of my mouth, as long as the trend is heading downwards you have nothing to worry about.

Weight lost quickly is often weight that is put back on just as fast, if you lose just 1lb a week then in one year you will lose 3.7 stone. Lose 1,5lbs a week and in a year you will have lost over 5.5 stone :shock:


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My mum has been recently dieting to shift a few pounds.

She weighs herself every friday (she says its so if it's not pleasing at least its the weekend :lol: )

she also only ever weighs herself in the morning when she first gets up. As patch says your weight can fluctuate throughout the day.

It's also normal to have a plateu whilst losing weight, it's also normal to put weight on if your using exercise as a main tool alongside a diet.

My mum also measures her waist and thighs to see any loss as she exercises alot, so it may appear she hasnt lost much weight (even put some on) but can have a decrease in size as muscle weighs more than fat.

You should be proud of any weightloss however big or small, the small ones each week will certainly add up over time :)


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I chucked out my scales - nothing but stress inducers! :lol: - I now get weighed just once a month at the local boots. Never had a reading where I have put on weight - in my opinion a month gives your body time to sort out fluctuations and gives a truer reading.

you say you have lost weight - and anthother 2lbs this week so well done :D - it's all in the right direction. maybe look at it in smaller chunks rather than the total weight loss - how I do for example - I am going to a wedding in 5 weeks so I want to lose 3lbs by the time the wedding comes round - I found this way much easier as hopefully you feel you are always achieving - not always failing

ebony321 said:
My mum also measures her waist and thighs to see any loss as she exercises alot, so it may appear she hasnt lost much weight (even put some on) but can have a decrease in size as muscle weighs more than fat.

I do this too and it can be suprising how the inch los does not reflect in the weight loss! - keep at it you are doing great :D - I agree with sid - the slower the loss the more likely it is to stay lost


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Not sure how they affect you Ailz, but I find nuts a definite no-no if I am trying to lose weight. Don't know why.